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The Yom Kippur War .

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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Now you're just fantasising 


How could you even know when I've had it not been drinking?


Everyone can tell when youre losing an argument because you get personal and just start talking absolute BS try to distract from the fact that you have no argument 


I come on here to give my opinion then move on with my life


You want everyone to constantly engage with you and when they don't you claim to be victorious


Maybe it's the little pretend victories that get you through the day


Whatever floats your boat 🙄

My bold


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2 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Now you're just fantasising 


How could you even know when I've been drinking?


Everyone can tell when youre losing an argument because you get personal and just start talking absolute BS try to distract from the fact that you have no argument 


I come on here to give my opinion then move on with my life


You want everyone to constantly engage with you and when they don't you claim to be victorious


Maybe it's the little pretend victories that get you through the day


Whatever floats your boat I suppose 🙄

That might have worked Jack but I'm NOT losing the argument,  you are.

I proved you're a liar so that's not a win for you lad.

You can always tell when people have been drinking especially when they talk stupid,  and I've come across other blokes like you, with the same views too.

By all means give your opinion but making stories up and presenting them as true fact is not  "giving your opinion"  it's lying.

Please yourself whether you engage with me or not,  it makes no difference at all to me,  but, if you lie,  I will still call you out.

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6 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

That might have worked Jack but I'm NOT losing the argument,  you are.

I proved you're a liar so that's not a win for you lad.

You can always tell when people have been drinking especially when they talk stupid,  and I've come across other blokes like you, with the same views too.

By all means give your opinion but making stories up and presenting them as true fact is not  "giving your opinion"  it's lying.

Please yourself whether you engage with me or not,  it makes no difference at all to me,  but, if you lie,  I will still call you out.

Just absolute gibberish 


You told us that you have prostate cancer and you're days are numbered


Maybe you should be working on your bucket list instead of spending your precious time having pointless arguments on SF all day


Go watch a sunrise or swim with dolphins or something 


You might be more at peace with the world or with yourself 👍

Edited by Jack Grey
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18 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Now you're just fantasising 


How could you even know when I've been drinking?


Everyone can tell when youre losing an argument because you get personal and just start talking absolute BS try to distract from the fact that you have no argument 


I come on here to give my opinion then move on with my life


You want everyone to constantly engage with you and when they don't you claim to be victorious


Maybe it's the little pretend victories that get you through the day


Whatever floats your boat I suppose 🙄

He seems to have a problem with alcohol/ drinking. He’s many times brought posters drinking into an argument. Someone quote this please , I would like to see how he answers this.

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23 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:


You told us that you have prostate cancer and you're days are numbered


Maybe you should be working on your bucket list instead of spending your precious time having pointless arguments on SF all day


Go watch a sunrise or swim with dolphins or something 


You might be more at peace with the world or with yourself 👍

I don't need a bucket list  and think they're a daft idea    -     I've had a very full life,  worked hard, played hard and had fantastic times.

I'm comfortable and could do anything I want,  but I have very simple pleasures,  most of which I can still do though not like I used to.

Been a very early riser so I've seen thousands of beautiful sunrises.  No clean water around here to swim with dolphins and I feel sorry for the dolphins.

Don't travel because I've never wanted too.  Most people are like little kids with holidays.

I spend most of my time with the wildlife and the birds and enjoy looking after them.

We live on the most beautiful planet imaginable and I'm so grateful that I've had the chance to live on it.  Especially before mankind  started ruining that too.

As a result,  I'm fully at peace with the natural world but wonder what's happened to the crazy human race to make them kill each other and everything around them.

Everybody's gonna die anyway. 

Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, The_DADDY said:


Hair Splitting has officially become an Olympic event. Please put your name forward.

With you on Team GB a gold medal is a certainty.


What you call hair splitting is actually defining the truth and I know that truth's going out of fashion these days but I still happen to like it.    I'm not a liar and I'm not idle either.

If you are happy to be surrounded by lies and corruption then that's fine but I don't want to be and I don't like people lying to me. I came from a poor family but was obviously much better brought up than you. 


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8 hours ago, Longcol said:

Having worked for homeless charities in Sheffield I would say far too many, but only a small minority all of street homeless. The armed services seem far too willing to let people lgo without any care for their future welfare. Reminds me of the 80's when the Tories brought in "Care In The Community" - people chucked out of Middlewood with a suitcase and their bus fare to town. Phone number of a B&B if they were lucky.

Very long link. Kindly quote a few relevant paragraphs please.


8 hours ago, Longcol said:

Having worked for homeless charities in Sheffield I would say far too many, but only a small minority all of street homeless. The armed services seem far too willing to let people lgo without any care for their future welfare. Reminds me of the 80's when the Tories brought in "Care In The Community" - people chucked out of Middlewood with a suitcase and their bus fare to town. Phone number of a B&B if they were lucky.

Very long link. Kindly quote a few relevant paragraphs please.

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6 hours ago, hackey lad said:

He seems to have a problem with alcohol/ drinking. He’s many times brought posters drinking into an argument. Someone quote this please , I would like to see how he answers this.

OG is nothing more than a miserable old man that just throws out personal insults because he has nothing else.


Apparently I am a racist misogynisic terrorist now.


I used to give him the benefit of the doubt and have even lauded him and interacted giving him kudos about his musical talents.

Not anymore, he is a nasty individual who takes pleasure in trying to create animosity with other forum members from behind the safety of his keyboard, a coward.


The man's a cretin and another one who I now refuse to interact with.

Edited by Al Bundy
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16 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Certainly encouraging any peaceful route to dissuade from violence would be a wise move.  Anything is better than widespread bloodshed and fear.



So much for your armchair warmongering bravado, 'I'd fight to the death to protect my home and family' stuff on the Ukraine threads?


Remember what you said about folks who made the same comment about the Ukraine?


Putin loving, sniveling cowards, who would sell our women for peace?


Right now you are on the side of those suing for peace, Hamas, and not the democracy Israel, that's about to bomb them back into the stone age.


Of course, with your usual argument "I've said.....", you can always point to a post that takes any position, that happens to be convenient at the time. :)


But it's still nonsense!










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