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The Yom Kippur War .

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24 minutes ago, Axe said:

I know the difference between right and wrong which because of history I support Israel. I also do not support or have sympathy with terrorist groups such as Hamas and the IRA  and do not have a problem with them being wiped out to make the World a better place.

So you believe that the country that invades another country and imposes its law upon that country is in the right, and the people who live in the invaded country are wrong to resist ?

So presumably you believe that Russia is right to invade Ukraine and the Ukrainians wrong to resist?


And if a foreign country was to take over Britain there should be no resistance and you would personally acquiesce to their authority and Winston Churchill was wrong when he ordered these preparations to be made?



You have an interesting personal view on what is right and what's wrong. 🙄





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25 minutes ago, Axe said:

Iran are involved because they supply Hamas with weapons.  Any country that supplies terrorists with weapons make themselves justified for being attacked by other countries. The UK should have attacked Colonel  Gaddafi's  Libya regime when it was known he was supplying the IRA with weapons and semtex.



I am sure which is one reason I never supported Jeremy Corbyn a well known terrorist sympathiser who also wore a white poppy. 

Foolish Axey again,   accepting someone else's definition of terrorist instead of thinking about it.   Someone defending their own homeland IS NOT a terrorist to any right thinking person.

I will semi- excuse you because I already know that you ARE NOT a right thinking person.

The French Resistance movement were among the bravest of the brave and were willing to give their all for France against the Nazis.     Were they terrorists ?

If you don't want terrorists around  -  just keep out of their country.      A lesson that the West needs to learn as Tony Liar Blair has proven.


Edited by Organgrinder
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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

Iran are involved because they supply Hamas with weapons.  Any country that supplies terrorists with weapons make themselves justified for being attacked by other countries. The UK should have attacked Colonel  Gaddafi's  Libya regime when it was known he was supplying the IRA with weapons and semtex.



I am sure which is one reason I never supported Jeremy Corbyn a well known terrorist sympathiser who also wore a white poppy. 

Jeremy Corbyn was much libelled as an anti-semite. He is a peacemaker and professional negotiator. He's done more for the Jewish cause than most politicians. So say the Jewish Council of Great Britain. But he refused to be bullied into signing America's treaty which was undeniably flawed and would have caused more harm than good.

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17 minutes ago, m williamson said:

So you believe that the country that invades another country and imposes its law upon that country is in the right, and the people who live in the invaded country are wrong to resist ?

So presumably you believe that Russia is right to invade Ukraine and the Ukrainians wrong to resist?


And if a foreign country was to take over Britain there should be no resistance and you would personally acquiesce to their authority and Winston Churchill was wrong when he ordered these preparations to be made?



You have an interesting personal view on what is right and what's wrong. 🙄





Grow up.  Countries do not just take over the ruling of other countries just because they invaded them.  Throughout history wars have started for numerous reasons and the victors earn the winner's spoils. The UK own Gibralter because England were on the winning side of the War on the Spanish Succession.  Ireland came under British rule because Britain did not want the French to use Ireland as a place to launch an attack on Britain.  The USA did not want Cuba to be a place for the Soviet Union to attack them which is why World War III nearly started.  Russia do not want the Ukraine to be a place for the West to attack them which is one reason why they justify the invasion. 

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Getting a bit of a handle on it  now but can't understand how Palestine are always painted as the bad ones .

Got to say with my limited knowledge on this , I find myself agreeing with some posters that I don't usually agree with

Edited by hackey lad
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Much as I dislike Hamas as a political organisation (and their Iranian backers), Hamas aren't the whole of the Palestinian population any more than the state of Israel speaks for all Jewish people. Given that Palestinians regularly have their land and homes taken from them by an apartheid state armed to the teeth by western governments, in contravention of international law, how do people propose that they do respond? Wave some placards around? Or are they supposed to allow themselves to be slowly eradicated so as not to upset British people watching the TV news?

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