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The Yom Kippur War .

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42 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Foolish Axey again,   accepting someone else's definition of terrorist instead of thinking about it.   Someone defending their own homeland IS NOT a terrorist to any right thinking person.

I will semi- excuse you because I already know that you ARE NOT a right thinking person.

The French Resistance movement were among the bravest of the brave and were willing to give their all for France against the Nazis.     Were they terrorists ?

If you don't want terrorists around  -  just keep out of their country.      A lesson that the West needs to learn as Tony Liar Blair has proven.


America and Canada along with Australia never had these terrorists when invaded by The UK , and France , like wise,   Southern American Countries when the Spanish and Catholic Church invaded and took the lands seem  to be happy enough .

Israel is treated differently by some who ignore the Worlds history of multiple invasions . Turkey has invaded Cyprus no objections to be seen ,some who condemn Israel even holiday there without giving it thought ?.

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17 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Getting a bit of a handle on it  now but can't understand how Palestine are always painted as the bad ones .

Got to say with my limited knowledge on this , I find myself agreeing with some posters that I don't usually agree with

Suicide bombings and taking innocent Israeli citizens  as hostages is enough justification to paint them as the bad ones.  They also murdered a German woman and displayed her naked body.


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4 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

America and Canada along with Australia never had these terrorists when invaded by The UK , and France , like wise,   Southern American Countries when the Spanish and Catholic Church invaded and took the lands seem  to be happy enough .

Israel is treated differently by some who ignore the Worlds history of multiple invasions . Turkey has invaded Cyprus no objections to be seen ,some who condemn Israel even holiday there without giving it thought ?.

Christ. What about the indigenous people they wiped out or forced into slavery in the 15th century, including the whole of the advanced, for the time, Aztec civilisation? Pretty happy about it were they? Your ignorance of history is mind-blowing.

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2 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

America and Canada along with Australia never had these terrorists when invaded by The UK , and France , like wise,   Southern American Countries when the Spanish and Catholic Church invaded and took the lands seem  to be happy enough .

Israel is treated differently by some who ignore the Worlds history of multiple invasions . Turkey has invaded Cyprus no objections to be seen ,some who condemn Israel even holiday there without giving it thought ?.

Israel has never invaded Palestine,   the Jews were given the waste lands , they cultivated the desert , they built the Towns and infrastructure , They did this and the Arabs that lived there in many cases prospered as well , Others just sat on their backsides and watched as they have always done .

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Just now, Delbow said:

Christ. What about the indigenous people they wiped out or forced into slavery in the 15th century, including the whole of the advanced, for the time, Aztec civilisation? Pretty happy about it were they? Your ignorance of history is mind-blowing.

Happy enough now , is more to the point , Christ has a lot to answer for.

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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

Grow up.  Countries do not just take over the ruling of other countries just because they invaded them.  Throughout history wars have started for numerous reasons and the victors earn the winner's spoils. The UK own Gibralter because England were on the winning side of the War on the Spanish Succession.  Ireland came under British rule because Britain did not want the French to use Ireland as a place to launch an attack on Britain.  The USA did not want Cuba to be a place for the Soviet Union to attack them which is why World War III nearly started.  Russia do not want the Ukraine to be a place for the West to attack them which is one reason why they justify the invasion. 

Your ignorance of facts is astounding, quite astounding. The Normans invaded Ireland originally in 1169 AD,  they had no problem with the French at that time seeing as how they were in fact almost completely French themselves. King Henry II was at that time King of England parts of Wales and a significant part of France including Normandy, Acquitaine and Anjou.

He and all his aristocracy spoke French and both England and a large part of France were under the same monarchy.

Britain didn't want the French to use Ireland as a place to launch an attack on Britain. Hilarious stuff. There was no Britain in political terms, Scotland was in Caledonia and England and France are geographically closer to each other than England and Ireland!


The problem with France began 168 years later when the Hundred Years War started, and that started over a dispute as to who should inherit the crown of France. Here's some more surprising news for you the war went on for 116 years and France won.


You obviously know little about what you go on about. Answer the question, do you believe that the aggressor is right and the invaded shouldn't resist?

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