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The Yom Kippur War .

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

So you don't think that the people responsible and their supporters shouldnt be hunted down and punished for their crimes..


Do you prefer to give them a big hug?


You should go to Palestine and volunteer to be a human shield


Im sure they'll be very nice and welcoming 


I have never said that.  I have said that I do not support terrorists.

 Why would I hug someone I don't support      -       

You are getting dafter by the minute. and you weren't very bright when you started.

Just learn to read properly.


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8 minutes ago, m williamson said:

People who are born in a particular country and then move to another country to live are immigrants. When Israel was founded in 1948 only 35% of the population had been born there. It is now around 78% Israeli born, they are known as Sabras.

Initially 65% 0f the population were immigrants and 22%  still are. That compares with 14.8% foreign born people living in the UK.


Israel is a land of immigrants and the descendants of immigrants.

Obviously when the state was only created in 1948.

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Just now, altus said:

Demonstrate it. Look up the answers to the questions you asked and post the results here.

I have explained earlier that I do not consider debate is a case of who can run to Google first but for contributors to share  their views and knowledge.


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Try Wikipedia.     -     you can't expect other people to provide their side of the debate and your side too.

If you don't know enough about it then you would be better giving the debate a miss.

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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Try Wikipedia.     -     you can't expect other people to provide their side of the debate and your side too.

If you don't know enough about it then you would be better giving the debate a miss.

Thank you for your advice but I stand by my point.

After 70 pages about the rights and wrongs of the Israeli state I thought it worthwhile to introduce 3 very relevant points into the debate which had not been covered and which should be the starting point.  I consider the way I introduced them should have stimulated extending the debate which is an accepted way to conduct a debate. It gets people to think rather than just reading a sentence and moving on.

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3 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I have explained earlier that I do not consider debate is a case of who can run to Google first but for contributors to share  their views and knowledge.


What is the point of that where you are concerned? You make up your mind on limited information based upon what you want to believe. 

It's called confirmation bias, you are not prepared to believe there may be another side to the story.

Your refusal to open links providing information on a subject in case it conflicts with your already decided view is confirmation of what a closed mind you have.

Hilariously, you actually have the total lack of self awareness that allows you to accuse others of being intransigent when you are the one  least able to accept any other opinion than your own.

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30 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I have never said that.  I have said that I do not support terrorists.

 Why would I hug someone I don't support      -       

You are getting dafter by the minute. and you weren't very bright when you started.

Just learn to read properly.


I think you're going senile


Have you been tested for dementia? 

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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I hope they send Mossad all around the world to assassinate all the top islamic terrorists and supporters of Hamas like they did after the Munich murders 


Maybe take out a few in the UK too 


I could think of a few names  

Mossad didn't even know the attack was coming .

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