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The Yom Kippur War .

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13 hours ago, Delbow said:

That's how insane it is. The most likely reason I can think of for the president to say it is that he fully intends on killing large numbers of civilians in Gaza and is looking for a way of justifying it. 

So here we have the only Western Ally in the Middle East, Israel, a democracy which allows all religions and ethnic backgrounds to live in peace, and to run for and take part in its politics.


And when attacked by terrorists that kill maim and kidnap civilians, and routinely target and murder babies, we get all this crapola about who started it from the usual suspects here. Worse. some human degenerates seem to find it completely justifiable, given their relentless  criticism of Israel alone.


i would say that the U.K. has joined the third world banana republics, nay, sunk lower than any banana republic I have ever spent time in!


Sad to see, in just one lifetime.





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13 hours ago, mafya said:

How do you think the Palestinians should react once Israel has finished its genocide disguised as war against Hamas?

Do you see the point I’m making? 
In my opinion Israel should have used their technology to target Hamas fighters and take them out using precision weaponry instead of targeting a whole load of Palestinians. 

A whole load of Palestinians voted for Hamas, Elections have consequences.


When the Democrats Atom Bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they targeted civilian populations and killed and maimed hundreds of thousands, they sent a message to the World.


A new World Order!



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5 minutes ago, trastrick said:

So here we have the only Western Ally in the Middle East, Israel, a democracy which allows all religions and ethnic backgrounds to live in peace, and to run for and take part in its politics.


And when attacked by terrorists that kill maim and kidnap civilians, and routinely target and murder babies, we get all this crapola about who started it from the usual suspects here. Worse. some human degenerates seem to find it completely justifiable, given their relentless  criticism of Israel alone.


i would say that the U.K. has joined the third world banana republics, nay, sunk lower than any banana republic I have ever spent time in!


Sad to see, in just one lifetime.





My bold. 


There's also an ally in Jordan, especially with the UK, as long as their royal family remain in place. 


It goes back to the days when the British helped the Jordanians defeat the Ottoman Turks. 


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2 hours ago, ThaBoom said:

Israel does not deliberately target civilians.  In most wars many civilians are killed.  The Hamas terrorists started this new war.  Those innocent Jews slaughtered had no warning and no chance to escape the murderous Hamas terrorists.  The civilians living in the war zone created by the Hamas terrorists have had a least a week to escape.  The truth is the Hamas terrorists do not care about innocent civilians being killed which is why they are telling the people living in the war zone not to move.

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9 minutes ago, Axe said:

Israel does not deliberately target civilians.  In most wars many civilians are killed.  The Hamas terrorists started this new war.  Those innocent Jews slaughtered had no warning and no chance to escape the murderous Hamas terrorists.  The civilians living in the war zone created by the Hamas terrorists have had a least a week to escape.  The truth is the Hamas terrorists do not care about innocent civilians being killed which is why they are telling the people living in the war zone not to move.

The truth is, that neither does the Israeli government care either.

I don't find it surprising  that a right winger like yourself should be so relaxed about ethnic cleansing and war crimes  from one particular side only   -   it runs in the genre.


As Anna pointed out in an earlier post,  Hamas may well leave Gaza along with the innocent Palestinians.

I hate terrorists and their methods as much as the next,   but why not try being realistic and tell us one country which has managed to successfully wipe out a terrorist group.

It's almost impossible to find, kill and defeat terrorists and when the world finally realises that,  they may start wondering about the reasons that terrorists exist in the first place..


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34 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


There's also an ally in Jordan, especially with the UK, as long as their royal family remain in place. 


It goes back to the days when the British helped the Jordanians defeat the Ottoman Turks. 


Remember our other ally in the Middle East, the Shah of Iran?


A decent bloke, as Shahs go. He was developing his country along Western lines. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company was dominant and generally the people were embracing Western style freedoms.


Left alone, Iran, and its relatively highly educated population would now be challenging the UAE and the Saudis for prosperity in the Middle East.


But the Islamic religious fundamentalists weren't happy with that, and sought to overthrow what they thought was decadent Western values, and against the true religion.


So they stirred the pot, and took 50 American diplomats hostage in the process and finally got their good intentioned? sympathisers in the West to help overthrow the Shah. An early "regime change" foteign policy blunder.


And of course the Mad Mullahs took over and the rest is history. Back to the Stone Age. Torture, beheading, stoning to death of women and gays, and all that.


The point? The West is still at it today! Israel has been on the "regime change" list for a long time. They will be painted as the Evil illegitimate occupier, and the Islamic terrorist mob will be excused as freedom fighters.


The Shah wrote a book about it, "Answer to History" in which he explained what he was trying to do, and how he was cut off at the knees by the Western pro Islam sympathisers, and predicted exactly what would happen to Iran as a result.


A great book, you will not find in most schools among the LBGT studies crapola, but it provides an insight into real events, by real players as it happened.


Highly recommended.

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