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Is This World Mad ?

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Never in my life did I ever think I would see so many cults springing up . For example JUST STOP OIL , classic one was the numpty on a plane wearing the T Shirt . ER exactly what , may I ask does a jet run on ? , These people can't debate because they are so brainwashed . So when anyone challenges them , they can't reply & either get the glazed look on their faces , or become defensive .  Is there any wonder ,I give them a wide berth ? 

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There have been end of the world cults since the beginning of time.


They're so narcissistic that they think the world will end during their tiny insignificant lives 


Climate change has become a religion where what they believe is infallible and all the unbelievers should be punished or killed 

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5 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

There have been end of the world cults since the beginning of time.


They're so narcissistic that they think the world will end during their tiny insignificant lives 


Climate change has become a religion where what they believe is infallible and all the unbelievers should be punished or killed 

I rest my case M'Lud 

Just now, lavery549@yahoo said:

I rest my case M'Lud 

And Climate has always changed , if it didn't we would still be in the Ice Age 

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Coronavirus spawned a fair few conspiracy theories. 

Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson / Brexit were elevated to almost cult like status, where in spite of a multiplicity of facts, their disciples just continued to believe. Even Liz Truss had her mad supporters mostly in the Daily Telegraph and the Institute of Economic Affairs, who tested her market fundamentalism to destruction.

15 Minute cities, such a weird concept, was given elevation by a government minister at conference.

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16 minutes ago, lavery549@yahoo said:

Oh me too , shall we get a bulk order then start 

I'm waaaay ahead of you.

Just ordered 4 sets of this from Amazon 




And if the cheap glue is no good I've ordered these as a backup 




Let's av em 🤣🤣🤣

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IMO this is deliberate.


The euphemistically named 'peace envoy' Tony Blair spent years touring the Middle East selling weapons to all and sundry, as part of a campaign to destabilise the middle east. (While they're fighting each other they're not fighting us...) In a new kind of cold war.

But now I believe we're getting the same treatment to destabilise the West. Misinformation, propaganda and lies abound on the internet, nobody can say for sure what's true and what isn't, or where it's coming from. People are polarised against each other. Nobody knows who to trust or what side they're on. So many issues collide. Confusion, dissent and bewilderment reign. Hyper reality takes over.


And  yes, it does feel like the world's gone mad.



22 minutes ago, Palomar said:

It's been unusually warm lately hasn't it?

HAARP in the Arctic?

Edited by Anna B
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9 minutes ago, Anna B said:

IMO this is deliberate.


The euphemistically named 'peace envoy' Tony Blair spent years touring the Middle East selling weapons to all and sundry, as part of a campaign to destabilise the middle east. (While they're fighting each other they're not fighting us...) In a new kind of cold war.

But now I believe we're getting the same treatment to destabilise the West. Misinformation, propaganda and lies abound on the internet, nobody can say for sure what's true and what isn't, or where it's coming from. People are polarised against each other. Nobody knows who to trust or what side they're on. So many issues collide. Confusion, dissent and bewilderment reign. Hyper reality takes over.


And  yes, it does feel like the world's gone mad.



HAARP in the Arctic?

Tony bliar needs arresting and put on trial. 

He's a detestable little maggot with so much blood on his hands he could bathe in it 


My bold

Ooooooh Anna you conspiracy theorist you..

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