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Is This World Mad ?

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28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The National Debt is rising exponentially, with no end in sight. This cannot continue, for obvious reasons, without severe consequences.

The vast, vast majority of it, a result of the policies of the administrations you champion.


28 minutes ago, trastrick said:

The present working population can not pay their own way, and the added burden of immigration just ensures that the consequences will come sooner, rather than later.

Nope, immigration has largely delayed those consequences (for blindlingly obvious reasons) 🙄

Edited by Magilla
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21 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

10 years of importing millions of people who take out more than they put in

...was not the case, on average, of those coming from the EU... the major switch to people who have historically "taken out more than they put in", started in 2020... a result of Brexit.


21 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

while millions of lazy unemployed claim benefits

A myth.


The vast, vast majority of benefits go to people in work... the number of "lazy unemployed" is tiny, if they were repesented on a graph against total benefits... you wouldn't even see them, let alone notice any change if they didn't exist!



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13 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

10 years of importing millions of people who take out more than they put in while millions of lazy unemployed claim benefits and hundreds of thousands more feckless claiming to be stressed or suffering from long COVID 

I only pointed out the reality of what is actually happening. The reasons why, are multiple and diverse.


But the bottom line is human nature.


In a nanny state, the population votes for the nannies.


Imagine if kids could vote for their parents. They'd only vote for those who gave them sweets, toys and telly.


They wouldn't vote for those who gave them chores, insist they clean up their room, do their homework, or drag them to the dentist when their teeth start falling out.  :)


Human nature!


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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Imagine if kids could vote for their parents. They'd only vote for those who gave them sweets, toys and telly.

Indeed, in the form of completely unaffordable and unsustainable tax cuts...


...didn't work though, somewhat undermining your claim! 🙄 🤣


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On 10/10/2023 at 23:45, Jack Grey said:

Like in 1976


Nearly 50 years ago 

Except, it's nothing like 1976...


The heatwave in 1976 was a freak event experienced just by the UK, todays events are of global scope.

A "once in 50 year event" at the time, yet not a single day in 1976 makes the list of top 10 hottest days in the UK.


Yes, Britain had a heatwave in 1976. No, it was nothing like the crisis we’re in now:



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On 10/10/2023 at 22:16, Jack Grey said:

There have been end of the world cults since the beginning of time.


They're so narcissistic that they think the world will end during their tiny insignificant lives 


Climate change has become a religion where what they believe is infallible and all the unbelievers should be punished or killed 

Exactly the same with BLM and the trans agenda!

You must believe in it or you're a bigot!

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