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Is This World Mad ?

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46 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

Pretty much proving my point...

They prove it every day!  :)


One brain between the lot of them.


They'll bend over for every scam the government/Media complex throws at them.


Hillary and Slick Willy fit for the White House - Check

Global Warming Armageddon? - Check

Russian Collusion Hoax - Check

Covid Mandates Good - Check

Ukraine winning the War - Check

Biden Competent - Check

Biden Family not corrupt - Check

Hold back Israel from wiping out terrorists - Check

Genital Mutilation for minors - Check

Teachers (Unions) know better than parents - Check

We need more immigrants - Check

Et al - Check


Here, they use the terms "servile boot lickers", against folks who don't agree with them.


So just who is following their governments, like lemmings, off the cliff of economic chaos, multiple endless wars, and institutionalizing hate in every segment of society, poor against rich, black against white, gay against straight, women against men, voter against voter? 


You know who you are! :)









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10 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

Exactly the same with BLM and the trans agenda!

You must believe in it or you're a bigot!

Who told you that ?

You should change the people you listen to.

You're not very well informed.

You can believe what you like and no one minds at all because you are not really that important.


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On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

They prove it every day!  :)


One brain between the lot of them.


They'll bend over for every scam the government/Media complex throws at them.


Hillary and Slick Willy fit for the White House - Check

Well, neither have a conviction, in a court of law, delivered by a jury of their peers, for sexual assualt... so there is that! 🙄


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Global Warming Armageddon? - Check

Whether it is or isn't... it's going to be a lot, lot cheaper to address now than later.


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Russian Collusion Hoax - Check

Two years of shredding, a free pass on several clear cases of obstruction... and still was not exonerated! 🤣


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Covid Mandates Good - Check

Remind us again, who was in charge? 🙄


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Ukraine winning the War - Check

Yawn... Russia isn't winning, either.


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Biden Competent - Check

By some considerable margin. The jobs and manufacturing numbers alone leave the previous incumbent standing!


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Biden Family not corrupt - Check

I look forward to the evidence Republicans have utterly failed to find...


...in comparison to Trump Family though, I mean, under the circumstances... priceless! 🤣


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Hold back Israel from wiping out terrorists - Check

A long predicted possible outcome of Trumps "Abraham Accords"... of course, when it actually happens, nothing to do with Trump! 🤣


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Genital Mutilation for minors - Check

A figment of your imagination.


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Teachers (Unions) know better than parents - Check

One would hope they do!


The clue's in the name, Teachers! 🙄


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

We need more immigrants - Check

As populations age, and birth rates decline, demonstrably the case...


...the markets can't work, if there's no-one to do the work.


Given you're an immigrant, in a country steeped in debt which most definately doesn't need you... the lack of self awareness... priceless! 🤣


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

Here, they use the terms "servile boot lickers", against folks who don't agree with them.

Compared to your oft posted "sheep", "unwashed masses" et al... I mean, you can't even construct an actual response to the post you're responding to... rather off on tangents as the last claim crashes and burns under the slightest scrutiny!


As per usual, you're just complaining that you don't like what you like to dish out. Essentially, yourself.


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

So just who is following their governments, like lemmings, off the cliff of economic chaos, multiple endless wars, and institutionalizing hate in every segment of society, poor against rich, black against white, gay against straight, women against men, voter against voter? 

The vast majority of those are more applicable to Trump, and his tensure, than any other president in recent history.


On 20/10/2023 at 14:30, trastrick said:

You know who you are! :)

As above, given your tendency to complain about the things you're doing, every day... yes... it's you! 🤣

Edited by Magilla
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45 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Well, neither have a conviction, in a court of law, delivered by a jury of their peers, for sexual assualt... so there is that! 🙄


Whether it is or isn't... it's going to be a lot, lot cheaper to address now than later.


Two years of shredding, a free pass on several clear cases of obstruction... and still was not exonerated! 🤣


Remind us again, who was in charge? 🙄


Yawn... Russia isn't winning, either.


By some considerable margin. The jobs and manufacturing numbers alone leave the previous incumbent standing!


I look forward to the evidence Republicans have utterly failed to find...


...in comparison to Trump Family though, I mean, under the circumstances... priceless! 🤣


A long predicted possible outcome of Trumps "Abraham Accords"... of course, when it actually happens, nothing to do with Trump! 🤣


A figment of your imagination.


One would hope they do!


The clue's in the name, Teachers! 🙄


As populations age, and birth rates decline, demonstrably the case...


...the markets can't work, if there's no-one to do the work.


Given you're an immigrant, in a country steeped in debt which most definately doesn't need you... the lack of self awareness... priceless! 🤣


Compared to your oft posted "sheep", "unwashed masses" et al... I mean, you can't even construct an actual response to the post you're responding to... rather off on tangents as the last claim crashes and burns under the slightest scrutiny!


As per usual, you're just complaining that you don't like what you like to dish out. Essentially, yourself.


The vast majority of those are more applicable to Trump, and his tensure, than any other president in recent history.


As above, given your tendency to complain about the things you're doing, every day... yes... it's you! 🤣

Well done Magilla.   A very thorough demolition job there which showed how all his arguments are already falling apart as soon as they're written.

                                            He did do well to get through a post without "clapping seals" in it though.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Well done Magilla.   A very thorough demolition job there which showed how all his arguments are already falling apart as soon as they're written.

                                            He did do well to get through a post without "clapping seals" in it though.

So says the clapping seal!  :)


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