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Am I Safe In The City Centre

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3 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:



But, then again, look at the Pakistani / India feud... no love lost there!


Unlike some, i am able to distinguish the extremists from those who are innocent.

Yeah thats a grim situation is that. I don't think they'll ever truly get along. 

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5 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

I've just told you, there was a problem with the warning message. It was scare mongering that went drastically wrong.

I thought you said places were in danger if "some fancy pant royal event or something taking place" as per your post #26.

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3 minutes ago, Longcol said:

So walking the streets in the city centre, which thousands do each day is dangerous?

"Is" dangerous?

It can be. Like any town center bad things can happen. Sheffield is no different. 

For most people though, no it isnt.


"May become more" dangerous?

Due to world events yes, it could get much more dangerous to many more people.

I'm not sure why you're ignoring the possibility. 


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