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Am I Safe In The City Centre

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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

"Is" dangerous?

It can be. Like any town center bad things can happen. Sheffield is no different. 

For most people though, no it isnt.


"May become more" dangerous?

Due to world events yes, it could get much more dangerous to many more people.

I'm not sure why you're ignoring the possibility. 


Many world events have happened since, say, WWII (which did impact on the centre of Sheffield).


Name one which endangered people visiting Sheffield city centre.


Yes, there is always a possibility about something kicking off - but odds are pretty remote.


Are you going to avoid the city centre?  Thousands won't each and every day.

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1 minute ago, Longcol said:

Many world events have happened since, say, WWII (which did impact on the centre of Sheffield).


Name one which endangered people visiting Sheffield city centre.


Yes, there is always a possibility about something kicking off - but odds are pretty remote.



Since WW2?I can't think of one. There probably hasn't been one. Sure the odds are remote thankfully but the world has changed a lot since WW2 as have the potential problems.

11 minutes ago, Longcol said:


Are you going to avoid the city centre?  Thousands won't each and every day.


For the same reason I avoid Rotherham (where I live) town center. 

There's nothing worth going for.

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Just now, The_DADDY said:

Since WW2?I can't think of one. There probably hasn't been one. Sure the odds are remote thankfully but the world has changed a lot since WW2 as have the potential problems.

So how safe would you feel in Sheffield city centre?

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

It depends. Day or night?

Let's start with day as the OP says they work in town (most people working in town work during the day and if you were a terrorist hell bent on destruction you'd want to cause maximum damage when most people are about),

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3 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

I work in town...


Looking at what's happened with the Palestinian protests/celebrations over the attack on Israel and the news that the UK is sending in naval forces...


Should i be worried going into the city centre? The police don't seem to care about any of it, considering those who scaled the town hall to remove the Israeli flag, and with us sending forces in, am i a potential target in my own city??


I'm not usually prone to fear, but we're living in such times where people are being murdered for next to no reason, should i be worried about being English when in town?

Haha.....no you should be fine


Fortunately life hasn't changed for people in the west


And certainly not in Sheffield city centre 


Stay away from Carver Street on a Saturday night though.....the place is full of plastic gangsters with knives 

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3 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Let's start with day as the OP says they work in town (most people working in town work during the day and if you were a terrorist hell bent on destruction you'd want to cause maximum damage when most people are about),

In the day, I'd feel pretty safe as I dodge the beggers, chuggers and spice heads Unless I saw a demonstration by people supporting hamas.

Then I would worry 

I also wouldnt approach any unattended bags or packages but that's just good sense. 

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8 hours ago, Delayed said:

Careful. You're falling victim to the MSM narrative of creating a culture of fear. 


You'll be getting the convid vaccine soon 

I wouldn’t say I felt ‘unsafe’ in town.  That’s not to say it’s a lovely place to visit though.  Clearly it has been in decline for some time and this decline has become much worse in recent years for various reasons.  So whilst I don’t think there’s any need to feel unsafe, it’s probably wise to be aware of unsavoury characters in town and act accordingly.  As has always been the case in city centres.  But I think it’s safe to say that years ago there weren’t such large groups of street people congregating in certain areas. 


I see the ‘convid’ vaccine has been mentioned here.  So you’re a Covid Denier and believe ‘a culture of fear’ narrative has been created deliberately.  If you make statements like that, and want more people to believe you, you need to explain why.  If Covid is ‘convid’ then you appear to be saying it’s a hoax of some kind.  Why?  Who’s behind that and what do you think are their motives?  

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10 minutes ago, pfifes said:

I wouldn’t say I felt ‘unsafe’ in town.  That’s not to say it’s a lovely place to visit though.  Clearly it has been in decline for some time and this decline has become much worse in recent years for various reasons.  So whilst I don’t think there’s any need to feel unsafe, it’s probably wise to be aware of unsavoury characters in town and act accordingly.  As has always been the case in city centres.  But I think it’s safe to say that years ago there weren’t such large groups of street people congregating in certain areas. 


I see the ‘convid’ vaccine has been mentioned here.  So you’re a Covid Denier and believe ‘a culture of fear’ narrative has been created deliberately.  If you make statements like that, and want more people to believe you, you need to explain why.  If Covid is ‘convid’ then you appear to be saying it’s a hoax of some kind.  Why?  Who’s behind that and what do you think are their motives?  






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