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Local Schools And 'Security Lockdowns'.

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13 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

George Orwell wrote about them in a book, 1984. I can recommend reading it and you will be shocked by the parallels in it with what is happening today. They want us controlled, powerless and kept in one place. They want us to own no property and they want to control where we spend our money and what on.

I've read 1984, many years ago. Though there are some strange parallels between the novel and today's society (e.g. double speak); I see very little of that over controlled mighty state in charge of every little thing.

However, I do see some people repeating weird conspiracy theories culled from social media that really amount to nothing. That's not 1984, more like something from an agony column in a magazine.

Edited by Mister M
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1 minute ago, Irene Swaine said:

I think we should all have our own backs and not run crying to a moderator everytime someone hurts our feelings.

Careful. You're nearly suggesting that everyone should think the same as you and that leads to controlling, which I know you don't like 

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14 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've read 1984, many years ago. Though there are some strange parallels between the novel and today's society (e.g. double speak); I see very little of that over controlled mighty state in charge of every little thing.

However, I do see some people repeating weird conspiracy theories culled from social media that really amount to nothing. That's not 1984, more like something from an agony column in a magazine.

I read it in 1983 . 

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5 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I've already replied to this .

For some reason it's been deleted.

I could reply again but really, what's the point if legitimate posts are being deleted 🙄


I saw your reply.

Nothing to object to as far as I was concerned,but the childish in your head stuff or whatever adds nothing to the Forum .

Its as bad as the Daily Spam that makes following any subject a bit of a pain

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38 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

I think we should all have our own backs and not run crying to a moderator everytime someone hurts our feelings. If someone is nasty to me, I will be nasty back and continue with what I want to say.

Never known you to be Nasty Irene.

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51 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

George Orwell wrote about them in a book, 1984. I can recommend reading it and you will be shocked by the parallels in it with what is happening today. 

He also wrote Keep The Aspidistra Flying. 

Maybe we should all nip out to buy Baby Bio and a helicopter.


(It’s a dreadful book btw, even worse than 1984).

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22 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I hear some local schools are beginning to do "Security lockdown drills" in order to keep the kiddies safe.

Are schools in Sheffield and Rotherham so unsafe that this practice is needed? 

Or is this just the Nanny State in overdrive as usual,

Any schools near you starting to do this too?

My lad's school did this.

I do not agree with it at all.

They are promoting fear of the world for no good reason, after all, when was the last time a school had to lockdown ? More to the point, has the "training" in school lockdowns ever actually saved a life ?

I'll bet huge amounts of money that it has not,

Therefore we have the price (kids being unnecessarily scared (of life I mean)) for no benefit.

No, it's just pandering to paranoid parents (probably the same ones who don't want anyone using a camera ay school events, get back behind your sofas.....).


48 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I've read 1984, many years ago. Though there are some strange parallels between the novel and today's society (e.g. double speak); I see very little of that over controlled mighty state in charge of every little thing.

Are you serious ? ! ?

You cannot say more and more stuff.

You are banned from doing more and more stuff.

And it's now acceptable to tell everyone to stay at home, stop working and stop socialising for a virus 99% of people are surviving.

Edited by Chekhov
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15 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


You are banned from doing more and more stuff.

And it's now acceptable to tell everyone to stay at home, stop working and stop socialising for a virus 99% of people are surviving.

I am sure that must be true.

Between the ages of 11 and 15 I carried an 8 inch sheath knife on my belt .

This was purchased from The Scout Shop and all 24 or so scouts in our troop had similar.

My mate had a deadly looking ex Commando dagger.That was cool.

I still have the same knife in the house but could not leave it in my car without a very convincing reason.

Knives haven’t changed so it must be people.


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30 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You cannot say more and more stuff.

Yes you can.

Though I think it says a lot about the people (not necessarily you Checkov as you've always been respectful), who complain about "not being able to say stuff" and equate it with being offensive.

George Orwell is a good starting point. If he were alive today, would he be aiming for the lowest common denominator on a low brow, right wing news channel like GBNews, crying about his freedom of speech?

No he wouldn't. As a writer of merit, firstly he'd recognise that he has a platform to say what he wants to say, which is a damned sight more than others have. And he'd be able to push the boundaries of free speech without being gratuitously offensive.


You are banned from doing more and more stuff.

So think of things to do which aren't banned. 

By all means question why certain activities are banned.


And it's now acceptable to tell everyone to stay at home, stop working and stop socialising for a virus 99% of people are surviving.

That was during a pandemic, thankfully very shortlived.

There's a public inquiry happening right now looking into it.

Let it go.

Edited by Mister M
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