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A National Shame

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25 minutes ago, abbeyedges said:

I grew up on a Sheffield council estate in the 1960's / 1970's.


I am sure in those days every household had at least one wage earner.


Today I would imagine every household has at least one benefit being received.


Where did it all go wrong?

Well pensions are now classed as a 'benefit' which they certainly are not. They have been bought and paid for over a lifetime of work.

And it's a national tragedy that a some people in full time work still do not have enough to live on and have to have their wages topped up with benefits just to pay the bills.


People will no doubt disagree but what went wrong is 30 years of Thatcherism, and government mismanagement. 

For a bit of insight try watching 'Britain's Housing Crisis. What went wrong?' on BBC i player. Part 2 is next Tuesday on BBC2.

Edited by Anna B
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43 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Well pensions are now classed as a 'benefit' which they certainly are not. They have been bought and paid for over a lifetime of work.


When I was married, one of us stayed at home to look after the child and not everyone works. So in those cases, it is a benefit.

You can 'buy' NI years for £824.20, you couldnt buy a private pension for that money, so there too, it is a benefit.

People not working because of a disability, claiming PIP, they receive a state pension, so in those cases it is a benefit.

If you've reached State Pension age and you're on a low income, you may also qualify for Pension Credit, which is more than the state pension! Also a benefit.


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The National shame , 

Well it’s obvious we have people sleeping in shop door ways , at the same we have illegal immigrants living in hotels and turning their noses up at living on a barge converted to living accommodation.



Both situations are wrong but one is disgraceful.


Edited by cuttsie
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11 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

How incredibly rough our cities have become and the complete lack of respect many British folk have for anything else apart from themselves.


We have become a chav country, one of, if not the roughest in Europe.




I completely agree but there's not much hope of anyone doing anything about it.

Our own parliament is a den of threats,  bullying,   sexual harassment  and money  for favours or lordships, as is many of our police forces and fire services,  and even the royal family is tainted too.

If  those at the top won't behave,  there not much chance with the chavs in the street.


Edited by Organgrinder
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It's a national disgrace how we treat animals. Factory farm them until they just reach maturity then slaughter them in a factory full of laughing sadistic idiots who are barely more intelligent than them, to be eaten by over-fed morons. I say this as someone who briefly worked in a slaughterhouse btw.


Or if the animal produces something like milk or eggs, ruthlessly exploit them until the first sign of a drop off in production, then put them in a cheap pie.

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