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Cycling Accident

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I was knocked off my bike on Sunday.

The driver apologised many times and accepted responsibility.


What now?  I want to claim for the damage caused to my bike and clothing and a bit of compensation for my pain and discomfort, the speed of collision was about 20+mph.


Does anyone know of a local , or national, company who will pursue this for me? OR is it possible to D.I.Y. ?

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1 hour ago, Flanker7 said:

I was knocked off my bike on Sunday.

The driver apologised many times and accepted responsibility.


What now?  I want to claim for the damage caused to my bike and clothing and a bit of compensation for my pain and discomfort, the speed of collision was about 20+mph.


Does anyone know of a local , or national, company who will pursue this for me? OR is it possible to D.I.Y. ?

I assume you took his insurance details, have witnesses and/or camera footage?

If not then you're up the creek, especially if there's no evidence. It's your word against his and no insurance firm will pay out on your word. 

I also assumed you reported the collision to the police within 24hrs as required under S170 RTA 1988. 

Edited by Resident
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Doesn't sound like you have insurance already so your going to have to instruct a solicitor with costs until you win.
As previously stated it is best if you report the accident which you can still do and fill in the blanks.

Its not going to happen quickly as courts are years behind.

If you are not already a member British Cycling has good legal support and would recommend all commuters and enthusiasts to join as members.

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Thank you for your responses............in most cases. The following occurs to me.


1. Some solicitors will take on the case on a no win , no fee basis. I was enquiring if anyone knew a local one.

2. The obligation to report an RTA falls upon the driver of a mechanically propelled vehicle. IF personal injury is caused. and IF the driver does not produce a certificate of insurance. I wish posters would know what they are talking about when they quote Act and Section, I did!

3. Yes, I did get his insurance details.

4. The witnesses made themselves scarce when they realised I didn't need medical assistance.

5. It's not my word against his.

6. I expect him (or his insurance) to pay me as he admitted the accident was his fault. 

7. I have photographic evidence.

8. The driver has not reported the accident to the Police and thinks he may get 'done' for dangerous driving.

9. In retrospect insurance with 'British Cycling' is a good idea.


The rough description of the accident is:-  The driver was waiting in a 100 yard long line of stationary vehicles at temporary 3 way traffic lights. He was by a left turn and decided to nip down the road to miss the queue. He turned left without looking, which was where I was passing vehicles on the near side. I had no time to react and a collision occurred. IMO Its 'driving without due care and attention' although there is a case for 'Dangerous driving' as he knew there was a risk and took that risk.


There are loads of Solicitors offering 'No win No, fee deals' and it reasonable that they take their cut but I am seeking an informed personal reference.

Thank you

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6 hours ago, Flanker7 said:

I was knocked off my bike on Sunday.

The driver apologised many times and accepted responsibility.


What now?  I want to claim for the damage caused to my bike and clothing and a bit of compensation for my pain and discomfort, the speed of collision was about 20+mph.


Does anyone know of a local , or national, company who will pursue this for me? OR is it possible to D.I.Y. ?

My bold


You weren't injured were you?

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