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Cycling Accident

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3 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Most motorists want to get from A to B by the shortest, quickest route.


Cyclists are no different. 

If the route they are using is mainly on the road, many of them will not slow down to go off road for a relatively short part of the journey.


Coming off the main road onto the cycle path costs them time, they might get obstructed by pedestrians while using the route and they have to get back into the traffic at the other end.


It’s easy to see why they would stay on the road. I would.


What problem does it cause you, the motorist? You might have to slow down a bit and overtake them. It will only cost you a few seconds, particularly on a dual carriageway.


I agree, but motorists are constantly being forced to use longer, slower routes.

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:

And yet many motorists have a hissy fit about restrictions being put in place that keep them on main roads and stop them using shortcuts.


Double standards.

How is it remotely akin to that at all? 

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:
  1. Coming off the main road onto the cycle path costs them time,
  2. they might get obstructed by pedestrians while using the route
  3. and they have to get back into the traffic at the other end
  1. The one I mentioned runs directly parallel to the road and would cost 0.1 secs to transition.
  2. If pedestrians obstruct cyclists then cyclists obstruct motor vehicles, maybe cyclists should take their own rhetoric because their response is "Learn to share" when people moan about them getting in the way.
  3. Oh noes. Heaven forbid a cyclist get to a junction and have to give way like any other road user.


And you have the nerve to claim that I have double standards (where there are none) ?

1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

What problem does it cause you, the motorist? You might have to slow down a bit

Yet more cyclist hypocrisy

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3 hours ago, Resident said:

How is it remotely akin to that at all? 

It’s the same thing.


You’re proposing banning cyclists from a section of road and making them use a slower, less direct,  route ( and despite the protestations, it will be slower to use a cycle path) 


Motorists moan about exactly the same thing, anything that slows them down at all or makes them use a less direct route is greeted with hysteria.

So you are expecting cyclists to be happy about something that many motorist would not be.

5 hours ago, RollingJ said:

I agree, but motorists are constantly being forced to use longer, slower routes.

Yes, because there are a lot of them and their route choices have a significant impact on people’s lives.

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2 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

It’s the same thing.


You’re proposing banning cyclists from a section of road and making them use a slower, less direct,  route ( and despite the protestations, it will be slower to use a cycle path) 


Motorists moan about exactly the same thing, anything that slows them down at all or makes them use a less direct route is greeted with hysteria.

So you are expecting cyclists to be happy about something that many motorist would not be.

Cycle paths - certainly those I've seen around Sheffield - seem to follow roads. A number of dedicated cycle paths/shared access ones I've seen elsewhere have seemed to follow the same principle, where others have been even more direct.

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10 hours ago, Planner1 said:

It’s the same thing.


You’re proposing banning cyclists from a section of road and making them use a slower, less direct,  route ( and despite the protestations, it will be slower to use a cycle path) 

How is a piece of tarmac, following parallel, a couple of yards off the roadway slower? 

Why bother with a pavement for pedestrians in that case, it'll be quicker for them to walk in the road...

You've truly lost the plot.

12 hours ago, RollingJ said:

@Resident - I think you have wrongly attributed a quote to me in the above post - that came from our resident 'get out of your car' poster.

Not sure how or why it attributed the quote to you, my apologies.  

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5 hours ago, Resident said:

How is a piece of tarmac, following parallel, a couple of yards off the roadway slower

Because typically on a main road, the cycle path has a give way at every side-road junction. Which makes using it very slow and hard work compared to cycling the main road itself.

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On 27/10/2023 at 09:02, Planner1 said:

And yet many motorists have a hissy fit about restrictions being put in place that keep them on main roads and stop them using shortcuts.


Double standards.

Those shortcuts you are mentioning here are roads which were built to be used.

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