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Winter Weather 2023/2024

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The 2007 floods were the worst since the Dale Dyke flood in 1864.


2007 was described as a 1 in 150 year weather event.


16 years later, here we are again.


We are surrounded by hills with a number of rivers that were developed by water run off historically. That doesn't change. 


It is about climate change and the fact that, no matter what interventions we put in place, the volume of water being deposited in very short periods of time is increasing and we can' build another major river to help it run off.


Deny it all you like. There are thousands of home and business owners who deserve a little more respect, never mind the ones who will be affected in future.

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I personally am in favour of  the cutting of car usage for other people.


Yesterdays storm was proof that something needs to be done


Fella who lives at number 16, recently bought a 17 plate diesel Audi, cars like that need forcing off the road.absolute heap of junk, makes our neighbourhood look like a slum

Edited by rogets
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2 hours ago, barnie41 said:

The 2007 floods were the worst since the Dale Dyke flood in 1864.


2007 was described as a 1 in 150 year weather event.


16 years later, here we are again.


We are surrounded by hills with a number of rivers that were developed by water run off historically. That doesn't change. 


It is about climate change and the fact that, no matter what interventions we put in place, the volume of water being deposited in very short periods of time is increasing and we can' build another major river to help it run off.


Deny it all you like. There are thousands of home and business owners who deserve a little more respect, never mind the ones who will be affected in future.

The river level at Twenty Well Lane yesterday was higher than it was during the 2007 floods

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Heard some poor bloke speaking on Radio Sheffield this morning.  He lives at Catcliffe & said the flood water was half way up his stairs & was blaming the flood gates being closed further up stream for Catcliffe being flooded again. 



The water has to go somewhere.


All they're doing is pushing it further downstream 


The problem is that we've always had weather events


The problem we have now is that there are far more people effected by it.


Another problem with having an over populated country 

Edited by Jack Grey
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