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Hedge Hogs

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We have found a baby hedge hog wondering around in our garden , in day light .

Her name is Hilda and she is a bleeeedin nuisance.

we got her a nice straw basket to bed in , fed her our Rita,s dog food and made sure she is warm . 
But no that’s no good for her , she can climb walls , wreck the bedding , get stuck behind washing’s machine and so on she is never satisfied wi owt we do .

So rang local hedge hog sanctuary, no good they say that they are full and don,t want owt to do wi Hilda . 
At mi wits end 

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19 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

We have found a baby hedge hog wondering around in our garden , in day light .

Her name is Hilda and she is a bleeeedin nuisance.

we got her a nice straw basket to bed in , fed her our Rita,s dog food and made sure she is warm . 
But no that’s no good for her , she can climb walls , wreck the bedding , get stuck behind washing’s machine and so on she is never satisfied wi owt we do .

So rang local hedge hog sanctuary, no good they say that they are full and don,t want owt to do wi Hilda . 
At mi wits end 

How do you know her name is Hilda.. Jud.?

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

We have found a baby hedge hog wondering around in our garden , in day light .

Her name is Hilda and she is a bleeeedin nuisance.

we got her a nice straw basket to bed in , fed her our Rita,s dog food and made sure she is warm . 
But no that’s no good for her , she can climb walls , wreck the bedding , get stuck behind washing’s machine and so on she is never satisfied wi owt we do .

So rang local hedge hog sanctuary, no good they say that they are full and don,t want owt to do wi Hilda . 
At mi wits end 

Put her under the shed outside,  climbing walls,  maybe telling you she wants to live outdoors and they like sheds.

I found one in the garden thought it had come from the bird sanctuary nearby,  so I slid a plate under it and marched it off there,  and then realised it could have been someone's pet,  wish I'd kept it after that.

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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

We have found a baby hedge hog wondering around in our garden , in day light .

Her name is Hilda and she is a bleeeedin nuisance.

we got her a nice straw basket to bed in , fed her our Rita,s dog food and made sure she is warm . 
But no that’s no good for her , she can climb walls , wreck the bedding , get stuck behind washing’s machine and so on she is never satisfied wi owt we do .


Hedgehogs prefer to sleep in your bed with you, they cuddle up where it's warm.

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We locked the out house door and went to Town when have come home Hilda is sat int kitchen wi dogs . There  is a small gap under doors . 
Dogs are prickled ont noses. Hilda is just eating dogs dinner

End of mi tether .

Edited by cuttsie
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1 hour ago, vmam said:

We get Hedgehogs in our garden and I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it , it ends up on the carpet in the house.


1 hour ago, vmam said:

We get Hedgehogs in our garden and I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it , it ends up on the carpet in the house.

Just bring them in saves the lawn 

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1 hour ago, vmam said:

We get Hedgehogs in our garden and I'm sick of them, they crap all over the lawn and if you tread in it without seeing it , it ends up on the carpet in the house.

Then don't tread on your roof slates either!

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