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11 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:


Come on , it’s distrust and fear about minorities, because people don’t understand differences, I still maintain its divides d rule, to keep the population infearof what is different, if you’ve ever been a minority, you can relate to this, as I have

My bold

I've said my piece. I'm happy to agree to disagree. 



You don't need to be a minority to express an opinion or have feelings about the situation.

Like it or not, the current migrant situation is nothing like we've had before.


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1 hour ago, Lizzie b said:


Come on , it’s distrust and fear about minorities, because people don’t understand differences, I still maintain its divides d rule, to keep the population infearof what is different, if you’ve ever been a minority, you can relate to this, as I have

Not seen any Jewish people waving flags in Sheffield, 


On St Patricks day the City has bunting flying and big tents full of Guinnes drinkers .


So to compare minorities one community has been here a thousand years and you never here a murmor out of them so no one notices .


Others make plenty of row so every one notices .

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20 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Not seen any Jewish people waving flags in Sheffield, 


On St Patricks day the City has bunting flying and big tents full of Guinnes drinkers .


So to compare minorities one community has been here a thousand years and you never here a murmor out of them so no one notices .


Others make plenty of row so every one notices .

Never hear a peep out of the Chinese


Lovely people 

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While ever genuine concerns about large immigration are dismissed and silenced with cries of ‘racism’ this will be extremely difficult to resolve.  Silencing genuine concerns and branding people ‘racist’ or ‘bigoted’ for mentioning them ends up driving too many to the far right. Which obviously makes things far worse. 
We need to be tolerant and understanding or other cultures and stop negative stereotyping.  But that has to work BOTH ways. Bigotry is contagious and two wrongs do not make a right.  Just as no one should be ashamed of being from a minority ethnicity, no white British person should have to water down their traditions for fear of offending others.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

They don't have a massive chip on their shoulder though and think the world owes them a living.

Probably because they're not discriminated against in the same way that many other people are.

At the end of the day, there's very  little difference between nations.

People of every race can be kind or cruel,  sharing or greedy,  loving or hateful,  peaceful or warlike.

Only those who are bigoted and lacking in intelligence,  cannot see this.


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2 hours ago, pfifes said:

While ever genuine concerns about large immigration are dismissed and silenced with cries of ‘racism’ this will be extremely difficult to resolve.  Silencing genuine concerns and branding people ‘racist’ or ‘bigoted’ for mentioning them ends up driving too many to the far right. Which obviously makes things far worse. 
We need to be tolerant and understanding or other cultures and stop negative stereotyping.  But that has to work BOTH ways. Bigotry is contagious and two wrongs do not make a right.  Just as no one should be ashamed of being from a minority ethnicity, no white British person should have to water down their traditions for fear of offending others.

It's not about silencing genuine concerns,  it's more about marrying those genuine concerns to todays reality.

For many years, Britain and other nations have felt free to meddle in the worlds affairs and much of this has led to people leaving their homeland.

We now have an added cause,  climate change, which is also a trigger in this respect and we must understand that mass movement of people is going to happen increasingly whether we like it or not.


There are indeed genuine concerns, especially in the UK which is a smallish country and a country which,  over years, has failed to look after it's own citizens properly.

This has resulted in our decaying infrastructure leaving us with a dire shortage of housing and community facilities, a lack of what we used to call REAL JOBS such as steel, mining etc

whereby many young people finish up shelf stacking or selling fast food, instead of learning a trade in the old fashioned manner of years gone by. Our manufacturing industries are a shadow of what they were.


Having a shortage of housing and community facilities and having run down hospitals and industries means that there are not real opportunities for our own population to live, work and thrive.

Add to this situation, the need to try and welcome needy people from foreign lands who may be escaping the effects of war,  corrupt government and also climate change and our problems deepen.

This is a difficult enough situation which no one has the answers to and made much harder because the country is also in deep financial difficulties and cannot spend it's way out.

Despite all this genuine concern,  don't for a minute,  believe that there  are no racists and bigots to muddy the waters simply because they are prejudiced, uncaring and greedy.

The problems need to be publicly discussed with all party involvement and action decided on the fairest way to address the situation and efforts must be co-ordinated internationally.

One of the main impediments has been the many years of Tory rule, concentrating on looking after those at the top, creating many new multi millionaires whilst failing to invest in the country

itself,  in infrastructure,  in training and creation of new industries and trying to live in a modern world whilst using Victorian methods and tools, such as our shameful railways.

We have to accept some GENUINE immigration but we also have to provide better for our own at the bottom and the companies and people with multi billions are going to have to pick up the tab.


Edited by Organgrinder
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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Probably because they're not discriminated against in the same way that many other people are.

At the end of the day, there's very  little difference between nations.

People of every race can be kind or cruel,  sharing or greedy,  loving or hateful,  peaceful or warlike.

Only those who are bigoted and lacking in intelligence,  cannot see this.


What has caused some people to be discriminated against and not others ?

Edited by harvey19
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