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Proper Sheffielders

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Just now, ECCOnoob said:


Stop trying to protect granddad


I stopped reading there.


Clearly my upbringing was different to yours. I was taught to respect my elders. I was also taught that they sometimes see things differently in the modern world.

The op wasn't racist, bigoted etc. Just sharing his thoughts

There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

You first.


Stop trying to protect "granddad" who is clearly savvy enough to put out controversial statements on an internet forum to get a reaction. Well he's got one. 


I couldn't give a toss if they're 25 or 85.  Age is not not some blanket defence excuse and certainly won't stop me from responding accordingly. 

What was controversial  ?

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The accent will die out, the old accents everywhere are dying out. It's because people move around a lot more, partly because they have to in order to find work or be able to afford to have somewhere to live. My kids were born in Sheffield and have always lived here but they don't have proper Sheffield accents. Things change, you can't preserve the past, it's a doomed venture.

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21 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

I am the child of a mother who came here to England to train as a nurse, who answered the call by the British Government, to staff the newly created NHS. She met and married my father in the 1950’s, I am so proud that I too work for the NHS and that my siblings, worked for the railways and in banking, we consider ourselves to be proper Sheffielders and proud of it too

Although a few years after you, I was brought over from my birth city of Manchester. I was just a baby so didn't care a bit! That was the very early 60's. Am I a 'real' Sheffielder? I don't know, and don't care what people think, it's the only City I've ever known.


As for being proud of being a Sheffielder...I was, but not so much these days. Like most big cities it's just turning into a dump IMO.


I think I know what the OP is trying to say. I agree with some of it.

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1 minute ago, cuttsie said:

I also see posts on here aimed at kids who are called Chavs , or Street sleepers who are called scum ,  These posts are often posted by the very people who see others making observations as racism or discrimination ,  When we can no longer say what we see going around us then we are truly without hope .


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