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Proper Sheffielders

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20 minutes ago, cuttsie said:


The thing that some on this thread do not seem to realize is the sudden feeling that our City as we know it it has now changed for ever , The community spirit that was. We are all in it together has now gone.

As said in my observation yesterday , I am now some times feeling a stranger in my own City .

You are making the assumption that what you are experiencing is what everyone else is experiencing - it's not. So then you have to decide whether what you are experiencing is somehow more valid or important than what other people are experiencing - you seem to think it is, others don't.



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40 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I know and have experienced all the above , 

The thing that some on this thread do not seem to realize is the sudden feeling that our City as we know it it has now changed for ever , The community spirit that was. We are all in it together has now gone.

As said in my observation yesterday , I am now some times feeling a stranger in my own City .

It's all part of the new rules based liberal world order, Cuttsie.


If you are not comfortable with it, it is not racist, it is understandable, and shared by many.


Those of us who remember running to air raid shelters at the end of the yard, while German bombs rained down on Sheffield, are in the minority now.


The loved ones who gave their lives, fighting for Britain would also find it uncomfortable to see Germany once again dominating Europe, anti-Jewish hatred rising yet again, again, and a world at war again, on all fronts.


It has been a relatively peaceful "invasion" of Britain,  invasion by invitation, but an invasion nonetheless. it has changed Britain for ever!


The ones who opposed the new rules based liberal world order, by voting Brexit (who's "rules"? :)) are being overwhelmed by simple demographics.


Adapt, accept, or leave, while you still can, are your only choices.


But don't let the anonymous clapping seals for their new world order call you a racist for exercising your right to free speech, to comment on the situation.


That's how they silence their critics, and how they win! :)




Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

I know and have experienced all the above , 

The thing that some on this thread do not seem to realize is the sudden feeling that our City as we know it it has now changed for ever , The community spirit that was. We are all in it together has now gone.

As said in my observation yesterday , I am now some times feeling a stranger in my own City .

Seems like nostalgia and memories and that's ok imo whatever point of view anyone has there will always be others who feel differently and those who have just gone bad!

Edited by cressida
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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

You are making the assumption that what you are experiencing is what everyone else is experiencing - it's not. So then you have to decide whether what you are experiencing is somehow more valid or important than what other people are experiencing - you seem to think it is, others don't.



I am making no assumptions , just observation as to what I see

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

It's all part of the new rules based liberal world order, Cuttsie.


If you are not comfortable with it, it is not racist, it is understandable, and shared by many.


Those of us who remember running to air raid shelters at the end of the yard, while German bombs rained down on Sheffield, are in the minority now.


The loved ones who gave their lives, fighting for Britain would also find it uncomfortable to see Germany once again dominating Europe, anti-Jewish hatred rising yet again, again, and a world at war again, on all fronts.


It has been a relatively peaceful "invasion" of Britain,  invasion by invitation, but an invasion nonetheless. it has changed Britain for ever!


The ones who opposed the new rules based liberal world order, by voting Brexit (who's "rules"? :)) are being overwhelmed by simple demographics.


Adapt, accept, or leave, while you still can, are your only choices.


But don't let the anonymous clapping seals for their new world order call you a racist for exercising your right to free speech, to comment on the situation.


That's how they silence their critics, and how they win! :)




We all leave ,      In the end.       .As you know I am not a racist , But I am a realist

And proper Sheffielders as we knew them are a endangered species.

35 minutes ago, retep said:

The Stranger,  Rudyard Kipling.

Will look it up P. The P. stands for proper old pal .

Edited by cuttsie
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15 hours ago, cuttsie said:

A endangered species .

Its hit me today ,  Proper Sheffielders days are numbered.


I was in the new Moor market stood in the butchers queue.  The queue was around a dozen people long when I suddenly realized I was the only local born and bred person waiting to be served , Now you may say ,how did I know this and you are right to ask so here goes , 


I knew by listening , by watching , the language and accent’s being used , I knew it by dress , the robes , shell suits, and head wear, 

Nothing wrong with that you may say and of course you are right.


But the thing is the sudden realization that the Sheffield I have know for 80 years or so has gone ,

The old local chatter , humorous comments, stranger meeting stranger and conversing in the old Sheffield way , the.    ” a tha goin on love”     , or the “sorry old **** did I push in “ kind of stuff , in other words we  the propers    were all in the same boat , same mindset ,thought and  we acted in a unique way that only proper Sheffielders do or  did . 

So for the first time ever I no longer felt part of our old lovely Town ,  It’s as though it’s disappeared without me or others noticing.


This was brought even more home to me as I left the Market hall and a massive protest march was  passing the Market ,  

In the door way stood a little gathering of older people ,perhaps around eight or nine in all ,

I joined them and listened to their comments and I must admit those comments bordered on racism. 

This was due to the marchers being a mixed bunch , white black and brown , and as in the queue at the butcher shop , a mixed mode of dress and head covering .

Then I realized ,    These older propers were in the same boat as I had just  thought about,they were feeling they had lost , Lost their traditional ways , it’s gone , it’s made them bitter and racist .


In my life I have worked with all races of people , from Hungarians to West Indians and Irish , I have grown up with those people and they have become friends , they along with the Chinese are no longer noticed in our midst  Their kids and grand kids can thee and thow with the best of us , 

We and they are now as one proper Sheffielders 


But to day I felt a change , It’s not the same slow integration of folk , It’s not the same out look on life , The new  in commers have different agendas as todays marching so vividly showed , 


Life in our City has changed , How will that change effect our grand kids , Are they  the last of the Proper Sheffielders , I know that this will end up as racism, but it’s not it’s a observation,    A sudden awakening that things will never be the same again in our City .

You've woken up but unfortunately your tens years too late 


Your grand children will live in a country that has become a huge slum of poverty, crime, drugs and homelessness


Migration is healthy but only when the people coming have something to offer and do not take more than they put in


Millions will continue to arrive in the next decade and they'll all arrive with nothing in their pockets and no where to live and no skills


How does that benefit anyone 


And they'll bring their problems with them. 


We have already seen the evidence of that over the weekend with people openly chanting anti-Semitism and pro jihadi mantras


This is just the beginning of the end 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

You've woken up but unfortunately your tens years too late 


Your grand children will live in a country that has become a huge slum of poverty, crime, drugs and homelessness


Migration is healthy but only when the people coming have something to offer and do not take more than they put in


Millions will continue to arrive in the next decade and they'll all arrive with nothing in their pockets and no where to live and no skills


How does that benefit anyone 


And they'll bring their problems with them. 


We have already seen the evidence of that over the weekend with people openly chanting anti-Semitism and pro jihadi mantras


This is just the beginning of the end 

Who makes the international laws that we have to abide by,  are they elected,  they are responsible for forcing countries to take in immigrants who are not asylum seekers but pretend to be,  I saw the post of one bloke who was reported to be wearing a t-shirt which said native Brits should go to Pakistan the UK is ours - it was laughed off,  but after reading about Lampedusa?

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If cuttsie had turned round and looked 20/30 yards away, they would have seen all the 'Sheffielders' that they yearn for, sat at all the food court tables supping tea, chatting in Sheffieldish and even eating local food (as well as meals from a diverse choice of providers).

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4 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

You've woken up but unfortunately your tens years too late 


Your grand children will live in a country that has become a huge slum of poverty, crime, drugs and homelessness


Migration is healthy but only when the people coming have something to offer and do not take more than they put in


Millions will continue to arrive in the next decade and they'll all arrive with nothing in their pockets and no where to live and no skills


How does that benefit anyone 


And they'll bring their problems with them. 


We have already seen the evidence of that over the weekend with people openly chanting anti-Semitism and pro jihadi mantras


This is just the beginning of the end 

The parade or protest that went past the Market door way yesterday had among them people shouting “Jihad in Sheffield ,”.  not one or two but hundreds of them  , Is that against the law ?   If so where are the police , If not then explain why not .

The old ens I was standing with in that door way were asking what the Heck are they on about ,     along with some more choice words that is .

2 minutes ago, ThePilot said:

If cuttsie had turned round and looked 20/30 yards away, they would have seen all the 'Sheffielders' that they yearn for, sat at all the food court tables supping tea, chatting in Sheffieldish and even eating local food (as well as meals from a diverse choice of providers).

Had mi fish and chips from Market chippy , proper snap it was 

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