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Proper Sheffielders

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3 hours ago, Prettytom said:
3 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Nelson Mandela looked at South Africa with rose tinted glasses


He didn't like what his country had become so he fought to put it back to the way it should be


And he's regarded as a hero 


If he was white he'd be called a nationalist, racist and right wing 

You’re forgetting that SouthAfrica was taken over by Britain in the 19th century, so he was just fighting to get his country back , to where it should be, just like all the countries taken over by Germany in the Second World War, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, why would anybody just stand by and watch a foreign power take over your native land??? For goodness sake, Mandela is a hero , get a grip !!!



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On 21/10/2023 at 19:56, cuttsie said:

A endangered species .

Its hit me today ,  Proper Sheffielders days are numbered.


I was in the new Moor market stood in the butchers queue.  The queue was around a dozen people long when I suddenly realized I was the only local born and bred person waiting to be served , Now you may say ,how did I know this and you are right to ask so here goes , 


I knew by listening , by watching , the language and accent’s being used , I knew it by dress , the robes , shell suits, and head wear, 

Nothing wrong with that you may say and of course you are right.


But the thing is the sudden realization that the Sheffield I have know for 80 years or so has gone ,

The old local chatter , humorous comments, stranger meeting stranger and conversing in the old Sheffield way , the.    ” a tha goin on love”     , or the “sorry old **** did I push in “ kind of stuff , in other words we  the propers    were all in the same boat , same mindset ,thought and  we acted in a unique way that only proper Sheffielders do or  did . 

So for the first time ever I no longer felt part of our old lovely Town ,  It’s as though it’s disappeared without me or others noticing.


This was brought even more home to me as I left the Market hall and a massive protest march was  passing the Market ,  

In the door way stood a little gathering of older people ,perhaps around eight or nine in all ,

I joined them and listened to their comments and I must admit those comments bordered on racism. 

This was due to the marchers being a mixed bunch , white black and brown , and as in the queue at the butcher shop , a mixed mode of dress and head covering .

Then I realized ,    These older propers were in the same boat as I had just  thought about,they were feeling they had lost , Lost their traditional ways , it’s gone , it’s made them bitter and racist .


In my life I have worked with all races of people , from Hungarians to West Indians and Irish , I have grown up with those people and they have become friends , they along with the Chinese are no longer noticed in our midst  Their kids and grand kids can thee and thow with the best of us , 

We and they are now as one proper Sheffielders 


But to day I felt a change , It’s not the same slow integration of folk , It’s not the same out look on life , The new  in commers have different agendas as todays marching so vividly showed , 


Life in our City has changed , How will that change effect our grand kids , Are they  the last of the Proper Sheffielders , I know that this will end up as racism, but it’s not it’s a observation,    A sudden awakening that things will never be the same again in our City .

Come on Cuttsie, although I wasn’t born in Sheffield, neither were my parents or siblings, doesn’t mean we couldn’t adapt, blend in to our surroundings and  integrate successfully into the native culture, heck, my husband’s family still think I have horns on my head , for goodness sake!!!some people 😡😡

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23 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

You’re forgetting that SouthAfrica was taken over by Britain in the 19th century, so he was just fighting to get his country back , to where it should be, just like all the countries taken over by Germany in the Second World War, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, why would anybody just stand by and watch a foreign power take over your native land??? For goodness sake, Mandela is a hero , get a grip !!

There's people in the UK who think that their country is being taken over


Do they have the right to fight to take it back? 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

There's people in the UK who think that their country is being taken over


Do they have the right to fight to take it back? 

Oh come on, we’ve never been taken over by a foreign power in recent years, of course Mandela is a hero, he fought back against injustice, apartheid and rules put there by a foreign power , come on 

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53 minutes ago, Lizzie b said:

Come on Cuttsie, although I wasn’t born in Sheffield, neither were my parents or siblings, doesn’t mean we couldn’t adapt, blend in to our surroundings and  integrate successfully into the native culture, heck, my husband’s family still think I have horns on my head , for goodness sake!!!some people 😡😡

Lizzie , I don’t think you have grasped the meaning behind  my post . Not many on these pages have ,  A few know what I am on about , just a few .

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A proper Sheffielder is someone who has Sheffield as their home no matter how long they have been here or where they come from. If they live in Sheffield they are a Sheffielder.I came here by marriage from Barnsley and our kids were born and bred here.I've lived in Sheffield longer than Barnsley now so surely I'm a Sheffielder !As for the accent it is changing  because it is getting mixed with other accents whether British or foreign. 

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Absolutely, I’m the product of an Irish mum and a Lancastrian dad, our accent is amazing, my kids and niece and nephew have a mixed version of Yorkshire, Lancastrian and west coast of Ireland, lovely 

7 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Lizzie , I don’t think you have grasped the meaning behind  my post . Not many on these pages have ,  A few know what I am on about , just a few .

Ok hun xxxx

Benefit of the doubt Cuttsie

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