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I would also add that I remember the abuse Clare Short MP received when she tried to get page 3 girls banned from the Sun newspaper. 

She was called fat, ugly, jealous etc. 

I don't think the right wing have a particularly glorious history on this matter either.

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19 hours ago, trastrick said:

The "rad fems" were the biggest supporters of Bubba Clinton's exploitation of female employees during his Impeachment. (Hillary called them "stalkers" and "fruit loops").


Killed the NOW movement, they did.


Matter of fact, the icon of women's lib in the 60's, founder of Ms Magazine, Gloria Steinem ("marriage was the model for slavery law in this country".) got ****** with it all an married an entrepreneur and actor.


Gloria Steinem Stands By 1998 Op-Ed Defending Bill Clinton


https://www.shethepeople.tv › News


"Dec 2, 2017 — Gloria Steinem wrote an essay in 1998 which defended former US president Bill Clinton from accusations against sexual harassment".


Ah, I see.  The Clintons.  Again.  Still hiding in your wardrobe, are they?  Scary stuff.  Never mind.  Have a little nap and I promise they'll be gone when you wake up.


17 hours ago, cressida said:

It's people who abbreviate all the time who shouldn't be so lazy and type the full word.

Pretty standard abbreviation; bit like typing 'the Met' instead of Metropolitan.  Though I do admit to being otherwise lazy.  And I wouldn't mind a rad fern.

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39 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

If that was Trump doing blackface youd be foaming at the mouth and creaming in your pants 


You wouldn't shut up about it 

The Left are allowed to act in all sorts of hideous ways in the name of 'progress' and because they are on the 'right side of history'...


Criticise BLM as a white person and you're racist, but if it's a black person criticising them they're called racist slurs by the Left but, it's OK because that black person is just internalising their whiteness and they're obviously too stupid to think for themselves.



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All this trans stuff and the denial of reality is because we've become too comfortable as a species, so we're finding stuff to push the boundaries because some people are bored, in my humble opinion.


Apparently, because some people were 'trans' in the ancient world, that proves it's 'a thing'. We also used to think the Earth was flat (some still do); we used to believe in an invisible man in the sky who tells us what to do (many still do)...


Just because a few people believe something, it doesn't make it true. There are people with psychological issues who need help, not to be pandered to. And pandering to them is affecting the lives of half of the global population.


I feel that those saying 'what's the issue - why does it affect you?' are in a comfortable bubble of either blissful ignorance of the wider implications, or are so comfortable that they are unlikely to encounter situations involving trans people.


I've experienced it, and it's difficult!

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3 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

The Left are allowed to act in all sorts of hideous ways in the name of 'progress' and because they are on the 'right side of history'...


Criticise BLM as a white person and you're racist, but if it's a black person criticising them they're called racist slurs by the Left but, it's OK because that black person is just internalising their whiteness and they're obviously too stupid to think for themselves.



In their delusional, dysfunctional world, a woman can be a man, a man can be a woman, and a black person can be a white supremacist.


And purveyors of gender and racial demeaning stereotypes like those posted above are celebrated, and even elected.


Hard to keep up sometimes!  :)


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8 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In their delusional, dysfunctional world, a woman can be a man, a man can be a woman, and a black person can be a white supremacist.


And purveyors of gender and racial demeaning stereotypes like those posted above are celebrated, and even elected.


Hard to keep up sometimes!  :)


You forgot Jews being Nazis...

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18 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

The Left are allowed to act in all sorts of hideous ways in the name of 'progress' and because they are on the 'right side of history'...


Criticise BLM as a white person and you're racist, but if it's a black person criticising them they're called racist slurs by the Left but, it's OK because that black person is just internalising their whiteness and they're obviously too stupid to think for themselves.



You know that's bobbins.  Those photos of Trudeau were roundly criticised by all sides, even when their age and associated shift in cultural norms over the intervening twenty-odd years were taken into account.  Progressives excoriate transgressors from all over the political spectrum if, for example, they're found to have said something daft on Twitter ten years ago.  The only difference is the degree of subsequent masochistic public humiliation, self-flagellation and repentance.

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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I would also add that I remember the abuse Clare Short MP received when she tried to get page 3 girls banned from the Sun newspaper. 

She was called fat, ugly, jealous etc. 

I don't think the right wing have a particularly glorious history on this matter either.

Never heard of her!


Was she fat, ugly and jealous?

Edited by trastrick
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