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Palm Springs Aids Memorial Design Causes Uproar For Looking Like…

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The proposed design for an AIDS memorial sculpture in Palm Springs, California, is causing an uproar.


The memorial, set to be located in Downtown Park, is being constructed to honour those who have lost their lives to AIDS.


Meant To Represent Connection, Reflection, and Hope

The design is meant to represent the diverse community affected by AIDS, as well as connection, reflection, and hope. 


According to the artist, Phillip K. Smith III, “The circular, torus shape inspires a connected, round, corner-less form that provides space for the community and the individual across its surface.


Smooth continued, “The opening at the centre is at eye level and allows a view through – a connection, a sense of hope, a view beyond what is directly in front of you.”




I'm sure the artist worked his arse off designing the sculpture but sadly It appears the  its hit a bum note amongst some...



Edited by The_DADDY
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I read the article which you linked, and I could only find one or 2 people making silly innuendo type comments. Really childish.

I suppose if the artist created a pointed object the same people with one track minds would giggle that it looks like a penis.


It's a really crummy article reporting on stupid comments from immature people.


Edited by Mister M
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Where do you find these stories DADDY? Or do they find you?


My immediate thought was that it looked like a simplified, sculptural, interpretation of an Ammonite fossil.


True it's not a spiral, being formed from concentric circles, but that could be artistic licence.

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6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I read the article which you linked, and I could only find one or 2 people making silly innuendo type comments. Really childish.

I suppose if the artist created a pointed object the same people with one track minds would giggle that it looks like a penis.


It's a really crummy article reporting on stupid comments from immature people.


Don't care.

It's still funny. God help us though if the artist decides to make a statue in honour of erectile disfunction 😬

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11 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I read the article which you linked, and I could only find one or 2 people making silly innuendo type comments. Really childish.

I suppose if the artist created a pointed object the same people with one track minds would giggle that it looks like a penis.


It's a really crummy article reporting on stupid comments from immature people.


:thumbsup: If I hadn't looked at the link ,I would've said it looked like a stone donut 

5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Don't care.

It's still funny. God help us though if the artist decides to make a statue in honour of erectile disfunction 😬

Are you going to model for him ?

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25 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Are you going to model for him ?

No, it would take simply too much material which would be prohibitively expensive. 

You should put your name forward though.

I reckon 8oz of clay on a chipboard plinth would cost less than a fiver 👍

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58 minutes ago, horribleblob said:

Where do you find these stories DADDY? Or do they find you?


My immediate thought was that it looked like a simplified, sculptural, interpretation of an Ammonite fossil.


True it's not a spiral, being formed from concentric circles, but that could be artistic licence.

It was sent to me from a group I occasionally frequent.

Original title was 'Fake outrage' or something. I'll have to go back and check that. 

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

It was sent to me from a group I occasionally frequent.

Original title was 'Fake outrage' or something. I'll have to go back and check that. 

Yeah - I bet the people who sympathise with people who died of aids who don’t get the bum jokes are faking it to the max…….

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