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Hs2 Needed, Poor Railways!

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37 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You have your views and other people are just as entitled to their own even if they don't agree with yours.

You're the hypocrite.


Just remember.   there's only Jack who matters.

Wonder who the idiot is ?


I knew it wouldn't be long until you followed me and started ranting again 🙄





Edited by Jack Grey
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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

You can't even see the irony in your reply can you? 🤣

I don't DEMAND that they ban this and ban that because Jack doesn't like it.

Check how many posts you've made demanding they BAN something.

Why not get on with your own life and let others do the same ?


  10 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Should ban anyone that protested HS2 from using the trains


And those idiots who protest airport runways.....ban them from flying 



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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't DEMAND that they ban this and ban that because Jack doesn't like it.

Check how many posts you've made demanding they BAN something.

Why not get on with your own life and let others do the same ?


  10 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Should ban anyone that protested HS2 from using the trains


And those idiots who protest airport runways.....ban them from flying 



Good morning 🤣


Go for a walk..... get some air 👍

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There is, of course, a chance that Labour will reverse the cancellation of HS2, but they may not as they will then have to find many Billions for it or cancel all the other promised infrastructure projects.

However, I just read that the government are to start selling off the land that has been purchased for the project. Bearing in mind the government may well change within a year I have to say that seems an unreasonable, possibly even undemocratic, thing to.

And I speak as someone who is now  a Tory voter.

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On 31/10/2023 at 00:35, Jack Grey said:

Should ban anyone that protested HS2 from using the trains

And those idiots who protest airport runways.....ban them from flying 

Hypocrites 🙄 

They are indeed hypocrites. Big fat massive hypocrites.

Electrified trains are the most environmentally friendly form of travel. Far from demonstrating against HS2 those "environmental protesters" should be volunteering on it for free.

But the truth is that these "Nett Zero" zealots don't want us to use transport that is more environmentally friendly, what they actually want is us to stop travelling at all. I can remember "Swampy" saying that when interviewed holed up in the tunnels they'd dug under Euston station.

"Behavioural change" as they call it, and what that means is do less of the things you actually want to do with your life.

Well they can sod off.

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