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15 hours ago, top4718 said:

I think what DC has said is disgraceful, I also think it's all bluster and hot air, apparently players and staff have been paid on time, he does really need to get out of the club before things become even more toxic, the authorities really should be stepping in right now.

He can't afford the position he's got. He never could. I smell fish. Is that a good sign, or a bad sign? It could be a good sign seeing that, as far as I can see, he has nothing to do with the family business, so he can't ruin that. UNLESS of course, they are bankrolling his failings. John West about to go West?

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I don't really see what all this was about, were the journo's making it sound more serious than it was, there are financial issues in Asia at the moment so the fact that he couldn't get his hands on the money could be true, it was bizarre asking fans to cough up but the hacks at the Star linked this to him saying he was not putting any more extra funding into the club and making it sound like we were about to fold.


DC doesn't need the sports guys a the Star to make negatives up he does enough his self.


A sorry mess yet again.

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If he’s living hand to mouth in terms of waiting for Peter to pay Paul…then the day isn’t far away when Wednesday will be in administration….or worse …


If he’s a multimillionaire surely he’d dip into his own finances to pay an outstanding tax bill & ensure that players & staff are paid …& avoid punishment from the EFL/FA ….


The total disregard he has for the club’s wellbeing because he’s upset at getting criticised is both astonishing & quite worrying….


The man is a total embarrassment & the sooner he goes the better….& if for some bizarre reason anyone still thinks  he’s an honourable man ….then they’re as dumb as he is …



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