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Names .

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3 hours ago, m williamson said:

Do you provide a different one dependent on who's asking?  One for the authorities, one for the taxman and one for your friends and family?

Depends who is asking ,  The tax man is wasting his time with us , Some of the family call me by their own  last name , some call me as on here . Only one uses all three , The authorities use two . 

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10 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Why do women change their name on marriage ??????.

This morning I have been looking at the births , marriages and death column in our so called Sheffield newspaper .

I suddenly realised I know or knew one lass who has just passed away . I only realised this by other info given in the notice .

I then came to think , well why , Why change ones name at all , its confusing , your school friends are all remembered by a given name not one they change to just because they marry a man .     or woman these days .


Married for 36 years - my wife keeps her family name. So does my brothers wife and a fair number of our women friends.

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1 minute ago, Longcol said:

Married for 36 years - my wife keeps her family name. So does my brothers wife and a fair number of our women friends.

A pal of mine took his wife's name ,  She was the last remaining member of her family so he helped out to keep her family name going .  The couples  three boys are the out come so it looks as though it worked '.

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11 hours ago, spilldig said:

I suppose the man could always take the wife's surname if he thought it sounded better.

When a couple I knew several years ago got married, they ditched both family names and chose another, completely different, surname that they both liked and which reflected more their outlook on life. 

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10 hours ago, horribleblob said:

When a couple I knew several years ago got married, they ditched both family names and chose another, completely different, surname that they both liked and which reflected more their outlook on life. 

I like this idea.  Not suggesting it was the case here, of course, but it's an opportunity to leave behind association with unfortunate family history and relationships.  New start practically and symbolically.

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1 minute ago, Hecate said:

I like this idea.  Not suggesting it was the case here, of course, but it's an opportunity to leave behind association with unfortunate family history and relationships.  New start practically and symbolically.

Actually, you make a good point there. Never looked at it like that.

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