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All Jobs Will Be Replaced By Artificial Intelligence

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If anybody wants to test an AI robot out on trimming 200 metres of hedge, sweeping it up , bagging it and taking it to the recycling centre, then prune one large cherry tree then please feel free to PM me.


It'd also be useful if it was a dab hand at decorating, cleaning, setting fires and running our lass to the supermarket.

Edited by Longcol
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9 hours ago, Anna B said:



A huge change will happen, (it's already underway.) But make no mistake, it's going to be a seismic shift, and it will happen quicker than anybody expects  and come with casualties. And of course we will not be ready for it...

Short of Prozac again?

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Anna said:

The question is when jobs for humans have been reduced to the minimum where's the money going to come from to pay for the services and products provided by AI?

No jobs, no wages.  Are we heading toward a Star Trek cashless society where no one needs to work and everything is provided for?

Can't see it personally but what do I know.


Productivity should go up and goods become cheaper because of AI, but it's far from a done deal. But remember it works both ways. If people have no income, who is going to buy the products the robots produce? Some sort of citizen's income may well be the answer to keep an economy turning. I suspect some people will always choose to work for the fun of it. Bit not all.


However as a 'no work' society has no precedent, obviously there will have to be some radical, outside- the- box thinking. That doesn't mean it won't happen. Every era has faced major new problems that need to be solved. The last one, the industrial revolution, moved 90% of the population from the countryside to the towns in a very short space of time, with not enough housing or infrastructure to cope, But after a very bumpy start, cope they did, and what was needed was put in place. So now we have our big cities with massive populations. Cars were invented before there were the roads to drive on, but they followed soon after.


A huge change will happen, (it's already underway.) But make no mistake, it's going to be a seismic shift, and it will happen quicker than anybody expects  and come with casualties. And of course we will not be ready for it.



That's probably very close to what will happen Anna.

Judging our success rate with new technology though,  means that it could be some time before we cotton on to all this.

The only major economy which can't manage to build a high speed train,  when our competitors have built theirs long ago,  doesn't speak highly of our grip of technology.

Maybe if we buy some robot's from China,  they will build our railway and drag us out of the 19th century.


Some AI in Westminster would go down well though seeing as they don't have the real thing.




Edited by Organgrinder
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25 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

South Park have just done a great episode where all the handy men become billionaires because no one knows how to do stuff anymore.


Everyone got into computers and then there isn't any work





Lot of truth in that. Yesterday I fitted Daughter a new toilet cistern . Her fiancé is a great lad but not that handy.

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Good one Jack. 😄


The war generation which has now just about passed could turn their hand to anything. I doubt most youngsters today even know how to put up a shelf. Not a criticism; they know more about computers and modern tech than I will ever know. Just a different generation with a different skill set.


However we can see the joke coming true, in the shortage of, and subsequent high price of, tradesman and useful people. 

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49 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Good one Jack. 😄


The war generation which has now just about passed could turn their hand to anything. I doubt most youngsters today even know how to put up a shelf. Not a criticism; they know more about computers and modern tech than I will ever know. Just a different generation with a different skill set.


However we can see the joke coming true, in the shortage of, and subsequent high price of, tradesman and useful people. 

I used to mend everything with green wire...

My 2 daughters still mock me..

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