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Good Morning Britain Hypocrites On Climate Change

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I was watching GMB as usual for about half an hour this morning before I go to work and they were having a go at Harry jumping on his mates Jet to go to somewhere.

Not sure where I wasn't really listening that much but at the same time they send Andy Peters all over the globe week in week out to front some silly competition that you have almost no chance of winning.

So how did he get to New York this week did he row there, how did he get to Thailand two or three times a year, how about Dubai and Australia did he cycle there.

No, he flew there so before having a go at others for there choice of transport how about grounding Andy Peters and  putting your money where your mouth is and actually practice what you preach GMB

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3 hours ago, Cody's Granddad said:

I was watching GMB as usual for about half an hour this morning before I go to work and they were having a go at Harry jumping on his mates Jet to go to somewhere.

Not sure where I wasn't really listening that much but at the same time they send Andy Peters all over the globe week in week out to front some silly competition that you have almost no chance of winning.

So how did he get to New York this week did he row there, how did he get to Thailand two or three times a year, how about Dubai and Australia did he cycle there.

No, he flew there so before having a go at others for there choice of transport how about grounding Andy Peters and  putting your money where your mouth is and actually practice what you preach GMB

There’s about as much chance of GMB being even in their reporting as seeing Andy Peters with his beautiful wife.

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In my experience environmentalists are often guilty of inconsistency, or even hypocrisy.


Like protesting against HS2 when electrified rail travel is the most environmentally friendly form of medium distance travel.


Or objecting to the Severn barrage when tidal power is the most reliable form of renewable energy because, apparently, the wading birds feeding grounds are more important than the "climate emergency".


Both of these inconsistences can be explained by the fact that these zealots don't want us to live our current lives more sustainably. No, what they want is for us to change our lives completely, so called "behavioural change", i.e. doing less of what makes us happy.

Edited by Chekhov
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6 hours ago, Cody's Granddad said:

I was watching GMB as usual for about half an hour this morning before I go to work and they were having a go at Harry jumping on his mates Jet to go to somewhere.

Not sure where I wasn't really listening that much but at the same time they send Andy Peters all over the globe week in week out to front some silly competition that you have almost no chance of winning.

So how did he get to New York this week did he row there, how did he get to Thailand two or three times a year, how about Dubai and Australia did he cycle there.

No, he flew there so before having a go at others for there choice of transport how about grounding Andy Peters and  putting your money where your mouth is and actually practice what you preach GMB

I don't know who Andy Peters is but I assume he doesn't go banging on about climate change.  The  problem I have is when people like Harry and Meghan lecture the rest of us and don't apply any rules to  themselves. 

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1 hour ago, spilldig said:

I don't know who Andy Peters is but I assume he doesn't go banging on about climate change.  The  problem I have is when people like Harry and Meghan lecture the rest of us and don't apply any rules to  themselves. 

GMB hires Andy Peters who travels round the globe to promote that competition and the quote today was about Prince Harry jetting off to see his mates and yes I do agree with you about Harry and Meghan it still gets up my nose him being criticised by GMB who themselves are as bad as he is.


How do you know Andy Peters doesn't go banging on about climate change if you don't know who he is..


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The world is full of hypocrisy, the same as it is full of unfairness and injustice. We're all guilty of it and part of the problem, so be aware...


However, it is quite right to call it out when you see it in the hope that something might change, if enough people realise we all have to act together to change things. 


And that can only happen if everyone has the will to change

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1 hour ago, Cody's Granddad said:

GMB hires Andy Peters who travels round the globe to promote that competition and the quote today was about Prince Harry jetting off to see his mates and yes I do agree with you about Harry and Meghan it still gets up my nose him being criticised by GMB who themselves are as bad as he is.


How do you know Andy Peters doesn't go banging on about climate change if you don't know who he is..


There's nothing stopping you writing to GMB and expressing your displeasure.

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