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David Cameron

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26 minutes ago, cressida said:

Is David Cameron the man to save the Tories,  if Rishi has invited him back Cameron could challenge

him for his job.

Absolutely not. 


Cameron was responsible for stabbing Nick Clegg in the back by changing the promised PR vote to an AV vote which lost Nick Clegg his seat, and the public the vote they actually wanted.

Also responsible for presiding over the Brexit vote and underestimating the electorate's capacity to vote out. Then baling out immediately, leaving others to clean up the mess.

Amongst other political sins...


And of course there was the pig affair which I'm sure he'd rather forget, but tells you all you need to know about the exclusive Bullingdon Club membership (only 15 men) and the sort of people it admits (Boris and George Osborne were also members.) Upper class Tory toffs to a man, with an enormous sense of entitlement, and no care whatsoever for the ordinary man-in-the-street voter.   

Edited by Anna B
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6 minutes ago, Axe said:

It is a sensible decision to appoint David Cameron as Foreign Secretary.   

Does it bring an election closer, people didnt vote for Sunak and Cameron, they promised to control debt, invest in schools and infrastructure.

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2 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Does it bring an election closer, people didnt vote for Sunak and Cameron, they promised to control debt, invest in schools and infrastructure.

No it does not bring an election closer.  People voted for a Tory government led by Boris Johnson.  However, it is not uncommon for the ruling party to change their leader during between general elections.  

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