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Has The National Trust Lost The Plot?

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Various Tories have complained to the Charity Commission that the NT has overreached its charitable purposes in stating some historical facts that they didn't like, and on each occasion the Charity Commission has exonerated the NT. 


If the NT were a political party, it would be the Lib Dems.

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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

What, and the BBC are impartial ? ! ?



There is increasing evidence that the BBC are under the kosh from the present Government - ranging from Emily Maitliss' James McTaggart lecture last year; to ex Tory staffer Sir Robbie Gibb, now a senior executive at the BBC, who according to the Financial Times, he’s attempted to block the appointments of journalists he considers damaging to government relations; the constant invites to representatives on its political programmes of 'right wing think tanks' like the Institute of Economic Affairs, while not extending the same courtesy to left leaning think tanks like the Fabian Society or the IPPR.

Even the DG of the BBC a few weeks ago saw fit to address the 1922 Committe of Tory MPs in a private meeting.

At this very moment there's evidence being gathered that Sir Robbie Gibb is trying to get the "right person" to head Ofcom (broadcast regulator):



Of course there are people with Conservative opinions working at a large organisation at the BBC, I've no problem with that. Bit when they seek to influence the editorial output so that it skews in favour of the government of their choice, that's when it becomes probelmatic.



Edited by Mister M
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On 15/11/2023 at 13:40, Chekhov said:

What, and the BBC are impartial ? ! ?



Nobody mentioned the BBC. This thread has nothing to do with the BBC.


There you go again, inventing views for other people. Why can’t you discuss things without making stuff up?




(ETA: Thanks for the link, all the same. I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading your trivialisation of sexual assault and domestic abuse. You should do the oppressed white male/misandry bit again sometime. It is very funny.)

Edited by Prettytom
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2 hours ago, Prettytom said:

Nobody mentioned the BBC. This thread has nothing to do with the BBC.

There you go again, inventing views for other people. Why can’t you discuss things without making stuff up?

(ETA: Thanks for the link, all the same. I thoroughly enjoyed re-reading your trivialisation of sexual assault and domestic abuse. You should do the oppressed white male/misandry bit again sometime. It is very funny.)

Thanks, but there's no need to mention it. Which bit in particular amused you ?


And you are an authoritarian, why are you so loathe to admit it ?

This comes to mind :


>>Prettytom said:

I’ve known and worked with many people who have mental health issues. They are serious things.

You should know better.<<


You hypocrite !

You are one of those infamous authoritarians who only have empathy with people who think like you do..... And don't talk to me about mental health. Mine, and many other people's, has never been worse after what those SOBs did to us during Covid, stuff you were all in favour of. Plus, if I am honest, the modern world depresses me full stop. I hate it, it is very bad for my mental health, but, being the hypocrite you are, I am certain you won't have any sympathy for me because I do not think like you do.



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To be fair to the National Trust they do at least know a bit about customer service, far more than English Heritage anyway.


When we were all locked down during the Covid pandemic in March 2020 and all historic properties were closed we asked both the National Trust and English Heritage to suspend our membership. In fact we'd only just paid our memberships but would obviously not have done so had we known we would not be able to use them. Note we did not ask for a refund, just suspension of our memberships until such time as we wanted them reactivating.

At first the NT said they would not do that and EH implied they would, but as time went on and E Mails were exchanged etc it was the NT who did the decent thing and EH who shafted us. All EH would offer us is an extra 3 months "free" on our subscription. Now, bearing in mind their properties were shut for far more than 3 months anyway, and for far longer than that you had to pre book, get hassled to wear a mask, socially distance and not all parts of the sites were even accessible, we weren't wanting to bother. There is no way we would have paid our membership to have to visit their properties under those conditions. In fact EH didn't actually give us anything at all because, it transpired, they'd only add 3 months on to your renewal, and they usually give anyone who first signs up 15 months for the price of 12 anyway.

It was utterly disgusting and we have never paid EH a cent since then, it was appalling customer service and the worst kind of short sighted management.

For the NT, on the other hand, we reactivated our membership when things got back to normal and have kept paying our family subscription ever since, nuff said.


National Trust - 1  English Heritage - 0

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