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Why Tell Lies.

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It seems that in todays society it's acceptable to tell lies..

You may imagine that if you told a barefaced lie to a member of His Majesty's Government, your liver will be removed and your head placed on a spike in the Brents Cross shopping centre.

There's even been talk of offenders being locked away for the rest of miserable time in a deafening room under Big Ben..

But it doesn't quite work that way!

At present there is no way of punishing people who tell lies, when I was a lad (In the 60's) nobody told lies on a daily basis, people were more honest.

I was brought up to always tell the truth, and still do.


So, would the use of primary school punishment work today?

A mis-demeanor back then and the Headmaster would give you a rap on the knuckles with a blackboard rubber.

Bankers tell lies and are greedy, but at present there is no way of punishing a banker for his sin, at best he can be drummed out of the lodge, made to resign from the golf club and stripped of his Knighthood, but that's about it..

I think that school room justice would work in football, at the moment a yellow card is the premium economy punishment, a yellow card doesn't mean anything, but what if the offender were made to stand in a corner sucking his thumb for 10 minutes? there would be fewer late tackles, I bet.


Then we have the weather forecasters, they tell us it will be a lovely day tomorrow and then bounce back the following evening showing not a hint of guilt that the picnic you organized on their recommendation was washed away into the River Don by hailstones the size of Ford Fiesta's... Would it not be a great idea, if they've told a lie, to force them to deliver the next evening's bulletin in their school uniform? certainly I'd like to see Paul Hudson do this.


Boris Johnson was a bare faced liar, telling the country his party had nothing to do with the country's woes, it was constant party political sound-bite diarrhoea, and there's only one punishment that would work.. He needs to be put on silence, finger on lip. then make him hold his hand out, palm upwards, and get King Charles to hit it with a ruler, all televised of course,

And who was that man-he exists somewhere-who chaired a meeting about Britains naval requirements for the next 50 years and said, " We shall spend £10 billion of someone else's money building two new aircraft carriers" even though we have no planes to put on deck.

Why was he not summoned to the office of Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, and made to write out, 1,000 times " I must not order very expensive warships that can't possibly work"

Other options under my new regime are detention on a Saturday afternoon-Liz Truss could do with a couple of hours due to her mis-handling of the economy.

And the one thing that I was scared of in my schooldays, was the threat that my parents would find out I'd been smoking, this is what we could do with Rishi Sunak, we simply tell him that if he doesn't stop making silly mistakes in class, we shall write to his mum.........



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17 minutes ago, Padders said:

It seems that in todays society it's acceptable to tell lies..

You may imagine that if you told a barefaced lie to a member of His Majesty's Government, your liver will be removed and your head placed on a spike in the Brents Cross shopping centre.

There's even been talk of offenders being locked away for the rest of miserable time in a deafening room under Big Ben..

But it doesn't quite work that way!

At present there is no way of punishing people who tell lies, when I was a lad (In the 60's) nobody told lies on a daily basis, people were more honest.

I was brought up to always tell the truth, and still do.


So, would the use of primary school punishment work today?

A mis-demeanor back then and the Headmaster would give you a rap on the knuckles with a blackboard rubber.

Bankers tell lies and are greedy, but at present there is no way of punishing a banker for his sin, at best he can be drummed out of the lodge, made to resign from the golf club and stripped of his Knighthood, but that's about it..

I think that school room justice would work in football, at the moment a yellow card is the premium economy punishment, a yellow card doesn't mean anything, but what if the offender were made to stand in a corner sucking his thumb for 10 minutes? there would be fewer late tackles, I bet.


Then we have the weather forecasters, they tell us it will be a lovely day tomorrow and then bounce back the following evening showing not a hint of guilt that the picnic you organized on their recommendation was washed away into the River Don by hailstones the size of Ford Fiesta's... Would it not be a great idea, if they've told a lie, to force them to deliver the next evening's bulletin in their school uniform? certainly I'd like to see Paul Hudson do this.


Boris Johnson was a bare faced liar, telling the country his party had nothing to do with the country's woes, it was constant party political sound-bite diarrhoea, and there's only one punishment that would work.. He needs to be put on silence, finger on lip. then make him hold his hand out, palm upwards, and get King Charles to hit it with a ruler, all televised of course,

And who was that man-he exists somewhere-who chaired a meeting about Britains naval requirements for the next 50 years and said, " We shall spend £10 billion of someone else's money building two new aircraft carriers" even though we have no planes to put on deck.

Why was he not summoned to the office of Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, and made to write out, 1,000 times " I must not order very expensive warships that can't possibly work"

Other options under my new regime are detention on a Saturday afternoon-Liz Truss could do with a couple of hours due to her mis-handling of the economy.

And the one thing that I was scared of in my schooldays, was the threat that my parents would find out I'd been smoking, this is what we could do with Rishi Sunak, we simply tell him that if he doesn't stop making silly mistakes in class, we shall write to his mum.........



haha  what punishment should be doled out to all the married men who cheat on their wives, ones who pretend they aren't married to get women by false pretences, 

ones who lie about what jobs they have etc.

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12 minutes ago, cressida said:

haha  what punishment should be doled out to all the married men who cheat on their wives, ones who pretend they aren't married to get women by false pretences, 

ones who lie about what jobs they have etc.

Prolonged exposure on the "Naughty Step"

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