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The Price Of Justice.

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29 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

What were they going to gain ?

My daughter away from me.

According to my solicitor it's very common for men to be vilified by ss especially if they are a single parent. The first time I met the 'social worker' she made it perfectly clear she didn't like me, from there it was a downward spiral of lies, attempted manipulation of the kids, putting words in our mouths, more lies etc etc. 

At the 'meetings' you'd think I was Hitler the way they spoke about me. Absolute strangers who met neither the kids or myself would come in and state how I was an unfit patent for various reasons, none of them made sense. I was so sure I'd lose the kids I seriously considered suicide until I picked myself up, found a good solicitor and moved forward. My solicitor was shocked at the abuse of procedure, the lies (provable lies) and the utter contempt shown to me at these 'meetings' to the point she tore a strip off them and filed several complaints. 

Social services are scum.


Now, I've said all I'll say about that. It was a horrible time for the kids and myself and I don't particularly want to relive it but I'll say I wouldn't wish my worst enemy to go through what we did.

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4 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Thank you Anna I try my best. Don't always get it right but we muddle through 😁

So when social services wrote Provable lies about me in their 'reports' , lies which would have certainly cost me my kids you don't think I should have been allowed  in court to defend myself and show their corruption?


You would have been.  Private court doesn't debar the actual Litigants to the case attending, in fact, many family practitioners encourage it.


But that is very different having open court where any Tom, Dick and Harry can rock up and start earwiging and interfering.  Something which most courts find is certainly not in the best interest to resolve an already polarised and highly contentious issue.


I'm very sorry you had to go through it. It is very difficult. It is very challenging and it is very upsetting and I'm sure you would not want the circumstances you described all being played out to any random member of the public who was bored on Thursday afternoon and fancied popping into their local court to catch upon the latest drama.


Reading your post to Hackey, you have sort of demonstrated the legal system in action. You were wronged by the social services, your lawyer use their knowledge and skills and drafting to respond to such, highlight the obvious breaches of policy and misconduct and led you to resolution.  Presumably, if it got litigated into court, your lawyer would have made representations and put that all before the judge to make their own decision. 


Ultimately that's what solicitors are there for. That is the profession and the service they provide. Whether people like it or not, its a  service which needs to be paid for.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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