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Dutch General Election Live: First Exit Poll Shows Geert Wilders'.

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Just now, Al Bundy said:

So that's a yes then.



Hang on...



When 75% of people voted for the "other guy", and taking your comments into account...


...it's clear, it's not just the far right who are a threat to democracy.... there's the mentally challenged too! 🤣



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He won, and just like a typical leftie you are stamping your feet and refuse to accept the word "victory" because diddums it's not what I wanted..😭 so I will start throwing out personal insults.


Suck it up.



Edited by Al Bundy
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13 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

He won, and just like a typical leftie you are stamping your feet and refuse to accept the word "victory" because diddums it's not what I wanted.


The only person stamping their feet here, was you! :thumbsup:


Like a typical far righty... throwing the toys out of the pram because they have no idea of reality, or how anything actually works. 🤣


Whining about "democracy", over a 25% vote share... you couldn't make it up! How daft do you have to be! :loopy:


Edited by Magilla
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Suck it up. Accept the result.


The lefty excuse handbook when a right wing party wins...


1, Media to blame.

2, Didn't get a majority.

3, Russians.

4, Bent.


5, When these fail to gain any kudos and just fall on deaf ears, resort to personal insults. This will make you look silly but it's in our DNA.


So when Labour win the next GE, who's fault will that be?  










Oops, nearly forgot.

🤣 Or should it be.







Edited by Al Bundy
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12 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Suck it up. Accept the result.

The result does not mean Wilders will automatically gain power as his vote share is way too small.


Given your critique of the Guardian article, clearly, it's you who is really failing accept the result. 🙄


Your cries of "democracy" in relation... only highlight you really have no idea what democracy is, or how it works.


Priceless! 🤣

Edited by Magilla
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7 minutes ago, Magilla said:

The result does not mean Wilders will automatically gain power as his vote share is way too small.


Given your critique of the Guardian article, clearly, you are the only one failing to really accept the result.


Your cries of "democracy"... only highlight you really have no idea what democracy is, or how it works.


Priceless! 🤣


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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

Just accept defeat like an adult and stop behaving like a petulant child.

Just accept the result for what it really is, not what you mistakenly think it is. :thumbsup:


1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

I will show you how it's done when the conservatives lose the GE.

Let's see if Labour "win", with a 25% vote share first eh! 🤣


4 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Watch and learn son.

How to not make a complete tit of yourself, by repeatedly highlighting you're clueless?  🤣


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