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Conspiracies .

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I think COVID was a social experiment to see if they could actually make us stay in our homes and it worked


And with the Government Emergency Alert System test alerts send to our private devices I think they're preparing us for something big that's gonna happen


My best guess is that an Astriod is gonna hit us soon and they know it 

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4 hours ago, mafya said:

Do you know what human empathy is? Google it and then you might realise why organgrinder posts that he cares about people he has never met.

People on here  have not met any of the Israeli hostages but still care about what has happened to them  so that shows that your post is once again full of the usual bull ****.

You and your little crew on here like chucking insults about as well so stop trying to make out you are whiter then white.



Care or deeply care?


Google virtue signalling and empty gestures.


Little crew? I thought we were the same person?


No need for bad language.







2 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I think COVID was a social experiment to see if they could actually make us stay in our homes and it worked


And with the Government Emergency Alert System test alerts send to our private devices I think they're preparing us for something big that's gonna happen


My best guess is that an Astriod is gonna hit us soon and they know it 


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13 hours ago, cressida said:

ok have we done all the conspiracy theories,  help me out here,  are the Americans spying on us?

Not at all!


(As long as you are not publicly politically active, or don't make public noises about running as a politician !)


Since J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI have been collect raw reports on all public figures, especially politicians on both sides of the political spectrum. They go back to the high school days, DUI convictions, divorce papers, sexual dalliances etc.


Some of this stuff gets leaked to the Media, at a time that's most convenient, like before elections, or during Congressional Hearings.


If you watch the Congressional Hearings involving FBI Director Wray, it would curl your hair. They admit illegal data searches, even forgery, and just promise their reforms are working, "Just trust us"  🤕


A question often asked in the U.S. when they look at old Joe, is "who is actually running America"


The answer is the U.S. Intelligence Agencies, who are accountable to no one, and routinely refuse to answer questions from the People's elected Representatives in Congress.


For better, or worse, they claim to be keeping America "safe for Democracy". Just trust them!

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On 27/11/2023 at 10:00, Al Bundy said:

You have literally no idea do you.


My last proper holiday was years ago and my weight is bang on for my size.


What a cantankerous, miserable old man you are.

Let him have his daily fume.

What a miserable man.

You insult posters yourself and then have the audacity to pull me up for insulting posters?
I only insult those who insult me and your a bloody hypocrite who maybe should practice what you preach!!!

Edited by mafya
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40 minutes ago, mafya said:

You insult posters yourself and then have the audacity to pull me up for insulting posters?
I only insult those who insult me and your a bloody hypocrite who maybe should practice what you preach!!!

Calling someone miserable is completely different from calling someone a liar, or thick or stupid or a terrorist or a racist or misogynist.


Have I insulted you by the way?

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11 hours ago, RJRB said:

There are some really nasty people out there as evidenced by various malicious trolling of celebrities.

I agree!


You don't have to be a "celebrity" to be maliciously trolled. You don't even have to look outside this forum!


I've been called everything under the sun here since I started posting my opinions.


It is to be expected on an internet public forum, where controversial subjects are discussed.


It's all part of the give and take, and as long as my detractors remain anonymous I don't take it seriously!  😀


Believe it or not, I have fun with it!


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8 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Like most,  I treat people as I think they deserve to be treated.  One of the things which is solely my choice.   If you don't like the choice,   hard luck.

Got it!  😀


Now enough about you!


Anything on topic today?

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6 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

I think COVID was a social experiment to see if they could actually make us stay in our homes and it worked


And with the Government Emergency Alert System test alerts send to our private devices I think they're preparing us for something big that's gonna happen


My best guess is that an Astriod is gonna hit us soon and they know it 

You can beat them by getting rid of your "private" device.

You been talking to Mr Conspiracy trastrick again.


4 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Care or deeply care?

What's it matter to you ?  You seem very easily upset about caring.

Google virtue signalling and empty gestures.


Little crew? I thought we were the same person?


No need for bad language.


You use that regularly







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14 hours ago, trastrick said:

All  normal folks care about their families, friends and neighbors, community and country.. It's a given!


Best be a little leery of folk who keep repeating how they love everybody and hate nobody.


I've found it's usually the opposite. That's why they keep protesting too much!  😀


Do they really practise what they preach? Who can tell with anonymous internet posters.?


The only evidence to be had is their treatment of fellow posters on a community forum

I definitely agree with you on this trastrick. I have no idea what happens if you put a poster on ignore, I’ve never done it before, but once a poster starts to resort to insulting replies, I just ignore most of there posts. 

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35 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I definitely agree with you on this trastrick. I have no idea what happens if you put a poster on ignore, I’ve never done it before, but once a poster starts to resort to insulting replies, I just ignore most of there posts. 

I would agree with you except for the fact that,  It's the snowflakes who insult others who are complaining of being insulted.


Yes,  there is an ignore button but,  if you don't press it,  it doesn't work.   Try it.


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