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Dog Dirt.

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Why is dog dirt so important in every day life , 

I mean ,on a daily basis I see the elderly and infirm dogy people stumbling and falling over trying to get a pile of ****e into a pink plastic bag, some times those elderly's fall over  and get the stuff on their hands or worse .


The plastic bags that one gingerly places on ones hand to pick up the pile some times get a hole in the thumb area and the ****e is then all or the dogs lead and on a persons clothes and so on .


Some times the dogy bags can be seen stuck on tree or bush branches , pink ones ,blue ones , black and green ones , they look attractive blowing in the wind and the plastic never rots so they can be there for years even after the dog who pooed and the dog owner have passed on .


The most interesting thing about the subject is ,!!!!!!!!! Why do horse riders who sometimes have miles of traffic snaking behind them as they ride two abreast on a bus route  not have to pick up those massive piles of ****e that the horses do without warning when being followed .

This crap is then run over by a line of cars and spread for miles , The car stinks when in ones garage .


Cat people get away with murder , their  little bird killers  dirty  any where the fancy takes them   , The the poor old gardener three doors away gets it all or their hands while tending to the bedding plants ,  So there should be a law making cat owners also follow there  little pussy around and pick up the crap .

Foxes and hedge hogs leave a pile on our garden and no one turns a hair its daft int it !!!!!!!!!


Edited by cuttsie
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1 hour ago, cressida said:

Makes you stink!

It certainly does.

I’m a parish councillor in the village where I live and I’ve made sure that we have plenty of dog waste bins and poo bag dispensers strategically placed so no dog owner has any excuse to leave their dog’s mess behind. 

Yet still we find piles of excrement on the pavements and on our recreation field.

We’ve even had ‘No dogs allowed in the children’s play area’ signs ripped off the entrance gates. It’s no doubt the irresponsible dog owners who don’t clear their dog’s mess who are also behind the vandalism. It’s the bane of many a person’s life!

I don’t think Covid helped because more dogs seemed to appear during that period.


Horse manure is good for the garden, if you can collect it!



Edited by echo beach
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1 hour ago, echo beach said:

It certainly does.

I’m a parish councillor in the village where I live and I’ve made sure that we have plenty of dog waste bins and poo bag dispensers strategically placed so no dog owner has any excuse to leave their dog’s mess behind. 

Yet still we find piles of excrement on the pavements and on our recreation field.

We’ve even had ‘No dogs allowed in the children’s play area’ signs ripped off the entrance gates. It’s no doubt the irresponsible dog owners who don’t clear their dog’s mess who are also behind the vandalism. It’s the bane of many a person’s life!

I don’t think Covid helped because more dogs seemed to appear during that period.


Horse manure is good for the garden, if you can collect it!



Horse manure is good on rhubarb 

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At least cats try to hide their turds as oppose to dogs who have no issues at all with cracking one out in the middle of the pavement. 


Nowt worse than stepping in dog turd, absolutely rank.


Remember going into Napoleons casino with a mate and he walked the biggest lump of dog turd all the way down the stairs, must have been about 10kgs of it!! The doorman Barry was in a right tangle!! He must have inadvertently stepped into a Great Danes weekly blow out.


The whole casino stank all night.  Put me right off my regular steak sandwich.

Edited by Al Bundy
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