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17 hours ago, RJRB said:

I said lived a contented simple life.

Something that you claim to now enjoy in your tropical paradise whilst regurgitating snippets on politics of the US on a Sheffield Forum.

Something not adding up there

I admit that I find your posts tedious whilst I find OG in the main illustrates a fair If critical viewhich seems to upset the gang of three.



I post my own opinions on the topics of the day.


Issues like climate change, wars in Europe, the Middle East and potentially South East Asia affect everyone on the planet, not just the telly watchers and Sainsbury shoppers, in some backwater town in Northern England, where I actually was born and partially raised.


I post to see what reactionary reactions I get from the luddites here.


Sometimes I get thoughtful responses, but in the main I get personal insults, from folks like you! Long on criticism, short on topic content.


I find it all informative, and it confirms my view that the world is in a mess because of small minded folks who prefer to live their lives with  hate, blame and criticism, rather than civilized respect, personal accountability, and making your lives better, by opening your minds to better ideas.


Some people seem enjoy the inevitable wars, economic chaos of the status quo! Makes them feel like they are not the only malcontents and losers in the world.


Human nature!

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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I post to see what reactionary reactions I get from the luddites here.

Can only imagine the disappointment when they never fall for your logically ridiculous, fact free, made up in your head shtick. 🤣


Edited by Magilla
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9 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Can only imagine the disappointment when they never fall for your logically ridiculous, fact free, made up in your head shtick. 🤣


It seems I am not on my own then.    Good description of his offerings, by the way.

As a rule,  I tend to ignore trastricks's  crazy ramblings as not being worth replying to,  and leave him to his sweeping up.


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Now back to the topic. Climate change!


The latest Climate Change conference, where major polluters show up in their fossil fueled toys, and finery show up to get an Official CC Exemption Certificate. A free pass to pollute the world at will, just by mouthing the politically correct platitudes which insulates them from the consequences of their actions, like boycotts of their products, candlelight vigils outside their Corporate Offices, private Mansions, private yacht marinas and favorite gourmet restaurants.


And of course the Celebrities which rely on a doting public to buy their books and latest Hollywood movies.


Conferences, and their less important cousins, weekly Board Meetings, are events where everybody gets to speak, and nobody listens, (unless there's a camera on them).


Of course, such high end hubris, has its own inevitable consequences and potential for becoming a farce.


This one is no different.


The inexplicable hubris to hold such a Conference in the Lions Den of Fossil Fuel Producers, Dubai, defies logic, and so we find their own hand picked Climate Conference President telling his now captive audience the "there's no science behind" their Net Zero costly goals, and pursuit of such nonsense, "Could take the world back to caves"


And the celebs got another rebuke from Mother Nature, when she grounded their private jets in Munich due to ice and snow!


And we still have another week to go!  🙂

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8 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

COP28 President causes outrage as he goes against the climate hysteria script 


Brilliant 🤣


The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C

Silly boy  -  He says that the message that there is no science  "HAS BEEN MIS-INTERPRETED"         meaning what you have just done.


And Yes,  a phase out of fossil fuels is a "must"

In other words,  nobody's telling you that you can't drive or that you can't fly,   but they're damn well going to make sure that you either don't want to,   or  can't afford to.

Gotta put a stop to these planet wreckers Jack.


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34 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I post my own opinions on the topics of the day.


Issues like climate change, wars in Europe, the Middle East and potentially South East Asia affect everyone on the planet, not just the telly watchers and Sainsbury shoppers, in some backwater town in Northern England, where I actually was born and partially raised.


Dear Pen Pal

You and everybody else.

So what’s so special?

And where do you find news and information on whatever is your topic of the day.

Radio,TV,Internet ,The Hill and numerous other available sources.....just like everybody else.

Your style is your own and a reference to a”backwater town” to supposedly emphasise your worldliness is pretty typical.

I am sure that I  have travelled at least as widely as yourself over the years and enjoyed many experiences from the old East Berlin and capitals of Europe  but Northern England will do for me and it is where my roots remain.

Keep the BS coming .

That in itself is informative and illustrative of the man you are.

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4 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Silly boy  -  He says that the message that there is no science  "HAS BEEN MIS-INTERPRETED"         meaning what you have just done.


And Yes,  a phase out of fossil fuels is a "must"

In other words,  nobody's telling you that you can't drive or that you can't fly,   but they're damn well going to make sure that you either don't want to,   or  can't afford to.

Gotta put a stop to these planet wreckers Jack.


You should be more worried about the 4 billion poor people in Africa, India and China who won't stop shagging. 


They're the ones causing the potential climate crisis not a few rich people flirting around in private jets. 

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19 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Automation and AI can't do my job but I must admit that elements have made my job easier over the years

Highly doubtful, care to elaborate?


6 minutes ago, RJRB said:

You and everybody else.

There does seem to be a common theme of whining about other people doing what they do... every day! 🤣

Edited by Magilla
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