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Has Anyone Had Their Grit Bin Removed (Or Not Filled Any More) ?


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6 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Do you think society would grind to a halt if the roads were blocked with snow or the pavements were blocked with snow?


Top tip - the answer isn't the latter 

If you are going to ask me a question, have the manners to await my answer instead of telling me what my answer should be. 


If the school teachers can't leave their own front garden because the pavements are blocked, the post men can't deliver important letters because the pavements are blocked, the bank manager can't get to work because the pavements are blocked and all of the shop assistants can't get to work because the  bus driver can't get down the pavement outside his own house, then society will definitely grind to a halt. The pavement is not to be obstructed. It is to be available for pedestrians at all times. If your car is half decent, it will be able to drive through a few inches of snow. But human beings cannot wade through 3 and a half foot mounds of snow piled up carelessly. You worry about your own space and we will worry about ours. I am more important than your car. The elderly, for whom a broken hip could be fatal, are more important than your car. When it comes to the pavement, people are more important than your car. 

1 minute ago, Bargepole23 said:

I don't think society will be grinding to halt if a few people can't get their car out for a few days either.


In any case, it's not either/or is it?

If my neighbours can't move their car, they walk down to the main road and jump on a bus or park on the main road if snow is forecast. If no one can get down the pavement then people are stuck and that is where problems start. HHR and Planner only care about themselves, to Hell with the vulnerable who have to wade through huge mounds of snow, as long as their precious car can move.

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3 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

You think most teachers live near where they work? 😂


Every teacher I know lives nowhere near the school they work in, for good reason. 

It doesn't matter if it's half a mile or 12 miles, if they can't get down the pavement, they can't get anywhere. 


Out of curiosity, how many teachers do you know exactly?

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