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2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'll be honest, I don't always agree with you on the Israel hamas situation. 

I thought you took a rather hard attitude towards Palestinians as a whole, I was absolutely certain you were being too harsh, however, I've been trawling the internet for a few weeks now watching videos from various sources and on various platforms and I'm coming to the conclusion whilst there certainly are anti hamas Palestinians they seem to be very much in the minority. Video after video after video of Palestinians praising hamas though and the stuff they say is vile.


No one wants to see anyone terrified..... especially children.


But how can we end war?


The only way is to make people absolutely sick of it....it's how the British people have got to where we are


Yes we have been horrendous for hundreds of years but it's within our DNA that this is not how we want to live 


It's within our DNA to be loving and peaceful but that has come at a price


It's naive to assume that everyone thinks like us and has learned the same lessons


Islam is peaceful but there is an element that is violent and unforgiving


Like Christianity once was


We learned through hundreds of years of war and pain and suffering


We don't want it anymore.....we don't want religion anymore


That's why we are so sick and tired of the BS


We felt this all ended when we got rid of the Nazis but now we are importing islamic extremism


We don't want it because we've had enough of war not because they're brown 

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56 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

You are right of course , Some should have told the Palestinians when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community . 


Cuttssie,  I can't get through to you that the ordinary Palestinian people did none of those things.

The ones who attacked Israeli citizens were Hamas terrorists.  The ordinary Palestinian people,  many of whom are being killed every day are peaceful people.

You are blaming the wrong guys mate.  Israel can defend itself by going for the Hamas terrorists but International Law says that ordinary civilian deaths must be kept to a minimum.

We keep repeating this but you seem to want to kill ALL Palestinians rather than just the terrorists.


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51 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The Palestinians could live anywhere they wanted......

The Palestinians were there before the Israeli's came.  It was their land.  The Israeli's could live anywhere they want.  Plenty of room in America and they love Jewish people.

Well not the middle east because they don't like Muslim Refugees


But they chose to live in Israel the tiny slither of land in the middle east

Showing again that you know absolutely nothing about the middle east.  You know less about Palestine than you know anout Nuclear Fusion.

Not for any reason that the Jews want it


They hate the Jews. They want them all dead. 


They hate their liberal views on everything like gays and women


And the irony is they are supported by the left who think that someone's life and career should be destroyed because a man asked out a woman at the Christmas party


Or a British person said that trans rapists shouldn't be in a womans prison


The left are a bunch of lunatics who should be ignored like children 

I have never heard such stupid ignorance in all my life.  That's why I laugh at you.


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7 hours ago, cuttsie said:

It is very much like being accused of backing Israeli terror . Some thing I have not done , Only its right to defend its self. .

I wouldn't worry about the accusations from the lefties here, ready to blame the only successful, inclusive, safe and prosperous Democracy in the Middle East.for the "troubles" in the stone age Middle East, that have been going on for centuries. 


Majority religion Number of countries Years with civil war
Islam 49 174
Judaism 1 2
Unaffiliated 6 6


Aside from a few Oil Rich Authoritarian States, they are stone age barbarians who have been killing each other with regularity since time began.


(long before anybody had ever heard of Netanyahu. 🙂)


The Left will insult anybody who doesn't buy their latest "narrative", like the Russian Collusion Hoax, and the Extreme COVID Mandates, and Zelenky Winning the War against Russia fable.


It's what they do!


But this thing is just starting, and we are are just a month in.


At some point cooler heads will prevail, and we'll see just how many supporters terrorist HAMAS has when the smoke clears.


Then you'll get these same folks jumping on the latest bandwagon, "I've always said....". I never said........", "I've always condemned violence on both sides...."


It will be time to move on. forgive and forget until the next big issue comes up like Doomsday Climate Change.


One thing about the Left. They are eminently predictable!  🙂

7 hours ago, cuttsie said:

It is very much like being accused of backing Israeli terror . Some thing I have not done , Only its right to defend its self. .

I wouldn't worry about the accusations from the lefties here, ready to blame the only successful, inclusive, safe and prosperous Democracy in the Middle East.for the "troubles" in the stone age Middle East, that have been going on for centuries. 


Majority religion Number of countries Years with civil war
Islam 49 174
Judaism 1 2
Unaffiliated 6 6


Aside from a few Oil Rich Authoritarian States, they are stone age barbarians who have been killing each other with regularity since time began.


(long before anybody had ever heard of Netanyahu. 🙂)


The Left will insult anybody who doesn't buy their latest "narrative", like the Russian Collusion Hoax, and the Extreme COVID Mandates, and Zelenky Winning the War against Russia fable.


It's what they do!


But this thing is just starting, and we are are just a month in.


At some point cooler heads will prevail, and we'll see just how many supporters terrorist HAMAS has when the smoke clears.


Then you'll get these same folks jumping on the latest bandwagon, "I've always said....". I never said........", "I've always condemned violence on both sides...."


It will be time to move on. forgive and forget until the next big issue comes up like Doomsday Climate Change.


One thing about the Left. They are eminently predictable!  🙂

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

At some point cooler heads will prevail, and we'll see just how many supporters terrorist HAMAS has when the smoke clears.

There are no supporters of Hamas here, beyond the one's you've made up in your head. 🙄


3 hours ago, trastrick said:

One thing about the Left. They are eminently predictable!

Much like your terrible copy/paste and comprehension skills 🤣

Edited by Magilla
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7 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Cuttssie,  I can't get through to you that the ordinary Palestinian people did none of those things.

The ones who attacked Israeli citizens were Hamas terrorists.  The ordinary Palestinian people,  many of whom are being killed every day are peaceful people.

You are blaming the wrong guys mate.  Israel can defend itself by going for the Hamas terrorists but International Law says that ordinary civilian deaths must be kept to a minimum.

We keep repeating this but you seem to want to kill ALL Palestinians rather than just the terrorists.


I do not want to kill any one .

Do not try and get through to me I have my own opinions ,and they are not based on any thing posted on this forum .

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8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

I do not want to kill any one .

Do not try and get through to me I have my own opinions ,and they are not based on any thing posted on this forum .

We are all putting our opinions on this forum and there is no difference between you, I,  or anyone else.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but false accusations are a different thing altogether. and the ordinary Palestinian people did not do what you claim.


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Just now, Organgrinder said:

We are all putting our opinions on this forum and there is no difference between you, I,  or anyone else.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but false accusations are a different thing altogether. and the ordinary Palestinian people did not do what you claim.


Show me were i have accused ordinary Palestine people of doing any thing . 

Then show me where ordinary Jewish people have done any thing .

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9 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Show me were i have accused ordinary Palestine people of doing any thing . 

Then show me where ordinary Jewish people have done any thing .

You said:                     Some should have told the Palestinians when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community.

If you had said:       Some should have told  HAMAS   when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community . 

That would have been correct.


I never claimed that ordinary Jewish people had done anything.


Edited by Organgrinder
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