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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

I wouldn't worry about the accusations from the lefties here, ready to blame the only successful, inclusive, safe and prosperous Democracy in the Middle East.for the "troubles" in the stone age Middle East, that have been going on for centuries. 


Majority religion Number of countries Years with civil war
Islam 49 174
Judaism 1 2
Unaffiliated 6 6


Aside from a few Oil Rich Authoritarian States, they are stone age barbarians who have been killing each other with regularity since time began.


And I wouldn’t  put much credence to your statistics.

Judaism has existed in numerous countries throughout Western Europe ,Eastern Europe,Africa,America ,Russia

They are a product of their own diverse backgrounds

Israel has existed as an entity since 1948 and from a starting population of a few hundred thousand that has grown into a nation of around 10 million as a result of immigration.

So you try to make some comparison between Muslim countries which are centuries old with a developing country  which of necessity has been heavily supported to become the dominant military force in the region.



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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

You said:                     Some should have told the Palestinians when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community.

If you had said:       Some should have told  HAMAS   when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community . 

That would have been correct.


I never claimed that ordinary Jewish people had done anything.


You are right , take away 2 house points ,send me to stand in a corner wearing a scull cap .

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20 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

You are right , take away 2 house points ,send me to stand in a corner wearing a scull cap .

But it's still a damned mess.  I wish they would sort it out for all time by peaceful means and they could still pursue Hamas.

Too many people are suffering too much.

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11 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

No one wants to see anyone terrified..... especially children.


But how can we end war?


The only way is to make people absolutely sick of it....it's how the British people have got to where we are


Yes we have been horrendous for hundreds of years but it's within our DNA that this is not how we want to live 


It's within our DNA to be loving and peaceful but that has come at a price


It's naive to assume that everyone thinks like us and has learned the same lessons


Islam is peaceful but there is an element that is violent and unforgiving


Like Christianity once was


We learned through hundreds of years of war and pain and suffering


We don't want it anymore.....we don't want religion anymore


That's why we are so sick and tired of the BS


We felt this all ended when we got rid of the Nazis but now we are importing islamic extremism


We don't want it because we've had enough of war not because they're brown 

The left hate the Jews 


They have even.expelled Corbyn and Abbott because of it


It's there for everyone to see


The lefties call conservatives.nazis but it's them who is hateful bigots 



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7 minutes ago, gaz 786 said:

 Nuke the lot flatten it and let the survivers regenerate like Horishima 👍 

Your post will get deleted because it upsets people


I said they should nuke the middle east


See how they think god is great when theyre covered in ash


I'm.sick of war 

Edited by Jack Grey
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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You said:                     Some should have told the Palestinians when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community.

If you had said:       Some should have told  HAMAS   when they attacked , raped, beheaded, shot and took music festival attenders and  a farming community . 

T of hat would have been correct.




A parsimonious, semantic difference without a distinction.


Unless HAMAS are composed of some alien race, they are Palestinians, 


Like in 1943 we were fighting the Germans (Jerry), not just NAZIS 


Cuttsie knows that, even if you never figured it out!🙂


Palestinians support their elected HAMAS overwhelmingly.


"Polls in potential presidential elections paint a different picture. If new presidential elections were held with two candidates, Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would receive 37 percent of the vote, and Haniyeh (HAMAS) would win in a landslide with 58 percent". 




The Palestinians want to Eliminate Israel


What Do Palestinians Want?

The Washington Institute
https://www.washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis

Jul 23, 2021 — Instead, a majority of them say they prefer to reclaim all of historic Palestine, including the pre-1967 Israel. A one-state solution with Arabs ...


Never thought I'd see the day when little Lord Ha Ha's could extend such "aid and comfort" to the NAZI  and HAMAS terrorism and  anti-Semitism in a Western Democracy and even get support from the majority of his clapping seal pals here.


Orgy is the best PR agent HAMAS every had.


If they don't send him a cheque, they're crazy!  🙂

Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, trastrick said:



A parsimonious, semantic difference without a distinction.


Unless HAMAS are composed of some alien race, they are Palestinians, 


Like in 1943 we were fighting the Germans (Jerry), not just NAZIS 


Cuttsie knows that, even if you never figured it out!🙂


Palestinians support their elected HAMAS overwhelmingly.


"Polls in potential presidential elections paint a different picture. If new presidential elections were held with two candidates, Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would receive 37 percent of the vote, and Haniyeh (HAMAS) would win in a landslide with 58 percent". 




The Palestinians want to Eliminate Israel


What Do Palestinians Want?

The Washington Institute
https://www.washingtoninstitute.org › policy-analysis

Jul 23, 2021 — Instead, a majority of them say they prefer to reclaim all of historic Palestine, including the pre-1967 Israel. A one-state solution with Arabs ...


Never thought I'd see the day when little Lord Ha Ha's could extend such "aid and comfort" to the NAZI  and HAMAS  anti-Semitism in a Western Democracy and even support from the majority of his clapping seal pals here.


Orgy is the best PR agent HAMAS every had.


If they don't send him a cheque, they're crazy!  🙂

We gave AK-47s to savages who think that stoning women to death is punishment for not covering your face and ankles 


Supported by lefties who think that Trump is a nazi 

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

We have AK-47s to savages who think that stoning women to death is punishment for not covering your face and ankles 


Supporter by lefties who think that Trump is a nazi 

Classic Pure Alinsky Left Projection'


To cover for their guy!


He lies!  Check!

He's accused of sexual harassment  Check!

He's accused of bribing Ukraine  Check!

He's accused of being soft on Russia and China  Check!

He's accused of killing hundreds of thousands by his COVID policies  Check!

He's accused of wanting to start wars  Check!

He's accused of Corruption  Check!

He's accused of being in poor health  Check!

He's accused of enriching his family  Check!

He's accused of obstruction of Justice  Check!

He's accused of Cover Ups  Check!


But the Left control government bureaucrats, Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department,  education, academia, pop culture, Media, Crony Capitalists, so it won't get any better anytime soon!


Historic times for the West!


Heaven knows that Democracy is not perfect, but the alternative.......!


To draw a moral equivalency between a Democracy and Terrorists is.....


Well, let's just say there are not enough bad words in the language to describe it!

Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Classic Pure Alinsky Left Projection'


To cover for their guy!


He lies!  Check!

He's accused of sexual harassment  Check!

He's accused of bribing Ukraine  Check!

He's accused of being soft on Russia and China  Check!

He's accused of killing hundreds of thousands by his COVID policies  Check!

He's accused of wanting to start wars  Check!

He's accused of Corruption  Check!

He's accused of being in poor health  Check!

He's accused of enriching his family  Check!

He's accused of obstruction of Justice  Check!

He's accused of Cover Ups  Check!


But the Left control government bureaucrats, Intelligence Agencies, Justice Department,  education, academia, pop culture, Media, Crony Capitalists, so it won't get any better anytime soon!


Historic times for the West!


Heaven knows that Democracy is not perfect, but the alternative.......!


To draw a moral equivalency between a Democracy and Terrorists is.....


Well, let's just say there are not enough bad words in the language to describe it!

Nuke em !

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