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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Whilst wondering who to blame if it's not the Israeli's,  try explaining this.

For the first 39 years,  starting in 1948  THERE WAS NO HAMAS.


1987 - Hamas is created at the start of the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Two years later, Hamas carries out its first attacks on Israeli military targets, including the kidnap and murder of two Israeli soldiers.


41 years of Israel breaking International Law before they got this response.    Speaks for itself,  despite what the liars say.



You're very predictable


When picking sides do you always just pick the little guy? 


Or the minority 


Do you wait to see what side conservatives are gonna lick so you can just pick the other side? 

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1 minute ago, Jack Grey said:

You're very predictable


When picking sides do you always just pick the little guy? 


Or the minority 


Do you wait to see what side conservatives are gonna lick so you can just pick the other side? 

I don't pick anyone at all.   I look to see who's right and who's wrong.

Israel has been in the wrong for 75 years.

You said Hamas started it and they didn't exist for nearly 40 years.


Not a bit interested in conservatives except for having a good laugh at them lately.


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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't pick anyone at all.   I look to see who's right and who's wrong.

Israel has been in the wrong for 75 years.

You said Hamas started it and they didn't exist for nearly 40 years.


Not a bit interested in conservatives except for having a good laugh at them lately.


Must agree 👍 

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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Whilst wondering who to blame if it's not the Israeli's,  try explaining this.

For the first 39 years,  starting in 1948  THERE WAS NO HAMAS.


1987 - Hamas is created at the start of the first Palestinian Intifada, or uprising, against Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Two years later, Hamas carries out its first attacks on Israeli military targets, including the kidnap and murder of two Israeli soldiers.


41 years of Israel breaking International Law before they got this response.    Speaks for itself,  despite what the liars say.



Yep! They were asking for it!


Just like the Israeli women they raped!



Their bodies tell their stories. They’re not alive to speak for themselves.


NBC News has reviewed evidence that suggests dozens of Israeli women were raped, sexually abused or mutilated during the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attacks.


"During interrogations, captured Hamas militants talked about raping women and children as a Hamas tactic of war. “To have our way with them, to dirty them, to rape them,” said one Hamas militant during a videotaped interrogation".


"Israeli officials pointed to a Hamas pamphlet discovered on Nov. 2 that gives detailed instructions about how to pronounce phrases in Hebrew including “raise your hands and open your legs” and “take off your pants.”




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7 hours ago, trastrick said:

Lots of anonymous wakkos out there on the internet, Cuttsie.



And not a mention of the usual Lefty/Liberal  references for a change.

I wonder why😁

Also selectivity on your part as to which anonymous parties you accept as having any validity.

However there are undoubtedly wackos out there


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1 hour ago, RJRB said:

And not a mention of the usual Lefty/Liberal  references for a change.

I wonder why😁

Also selectivity on your part as to which anonymous parties you accept as having any validity.

However there are undoubtedly wackos out there


No need to wonder. Let me try and help you.


There are all kinds of posters out there with a plethora of axes to grind, other than a frank and honest exchange of views.


I give no serious credence to opinions of anonymous internet posters. Especially those who use their anonymity to personally insult and denigrate other posters who do not share their worldview.


They can change their identities and their opinions at will, depending on the current narrative of the cohort they seek approval from. And unaccountable so,


You'll find them following the consensus and conventional wisdom of the day, no matter how they need to cobble their former views to fit.


You can't have a serious discussion with people who have no core values, just a pie throwing contest.


My record shows I post serious opinions on the issues of the day, in an initially respectful way, until the tag team of what I call the "clapping seals" come out with lies and personal insults.


I may, or may engage with them for as long as I wish to do so, or not.


(As a former welcomed contributor to the comment sections of The New York Times and the Washington Post (an astute critic of the Media, they once referred to me as) and Discover Magazine, my consistent views on science and politics gradually stopped appearing, without reason, or explanation, as what they deemed politically and socially acceptable changed in the recent popular wave of censorship of unpopular views. At Discover Mag,  When I appealed to my former friendly moderators on their blogs, they never answered, but just discontinued their DISQUS Comment Sections.🙂 )


Which is why I appreciate the opportunity to post my "unwoke" and non politically correct views here on SF.


Unpopular as my views are, the moderators here don't appear to see me as a threat to democracy 🙂


For which I thank them!





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@trastrickOf course you are welcome to post your views,but to dismiss those that you disagree with on the grounds of Lefty leanings or anonymity is hardly a debate.

To agree with some point of another poster which you do yourself on occasion then merits the clapping seal reference.

So views can be exchanged without descending into trite digs 

I am sure there are some dual personalities on here ,but if you stick to the content rather than the poster what the hell.

I think that OG is remarkably steadfast in his core beliefs but there you go.

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21 hours ago, gaz 786 said:

Uneducated animals still in dark ages swop a 12 year old girl for a camel have abortion when having girls only want sons  time they moved forwards ... make a nice place for a holidays if they grew up 


The children are indoctrinated from birth to believe in fairy story , They are told that theres is the only true God or fairy story , From a early age they are forced to kneel down and pray for this god to help them in their fight against non believers .

This also happens in Western Countries where most of us have stopped believing in such crap as a mystic figure in the Sky who must be worshiped .


The people who settle  here are trying to impose their way of life on us and they are succeeding due to a weak Government who do not want to upset the main oil providers lead by the Saudi Gangsters .


If you  look back just five weeks ago there was peace talks going on between the Israelis and the surrounding Countries , Hamas (Palestinian Government) saw this and decided to act .


Now all hell has broken loose and the people who are taking the blame are as usual the Israelis .

Now all discussions on a peace  full solution have gone .

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