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Whats Up With These People.

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33 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Would the end of religion bring less war, murder and violence? Yes, of course.

Would some people still be violent disgusting creatures?

Yes, of course.

How would it?

Wars are almost invariably started for the purpose of greed and power. Some use religion as an excuse for warfare, but there's always another reason to be exploited.

Patriotism, ideology, racism whatever, the 'elite' in every country got there by being ruthless and they don't settle on their laurels, they want more and know how to manipulate the gullible to achieve it.


We are a savage species, that's regrettable but unfortunately true.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

The human race is an uncivilised savage species that has murdered each other for numerous reasons throughout history with the greed of a few almost always being the real reason behind the excuse of religion, patriotism or ideology.

At the root of it all is people's desire for other peoples hard earned stuff!


Today's sanitized version of looting and pillaging is taxes. 


The rich, who take the working man's hard earned money, by threat of jail, and spend it (and borrow even more) on their own favorite investments, $billions in "humanitarian  aid" to Terrorist States , Mad Mullah's, assorted Communist countries around the world,, and  Nuclear Powers like Pakistan.


As long as we send them our fish, and not fishing rods, it will always be thus!🙂

Edited by trastrick
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3 hours ago, m williamson said:

The man is obviously mentally unstable. Religion has little to do with it, if there were no religion there would still be lunatics, they'd just find something else to obsess about.

Religion. Patriotism and Ideology can all be fine in moderation but they are used by despots and leaders in all parts of the world to control people and get them to do their bidding.

A little less gullibility by people could reduce that, but nutters such as the guy in Paris will unfortunately always be with us.

Do you think all people who attack others are mentally unstable? And I disagree it's little to do with religion.

Edited by Al Bundy
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7 minutes ago, trastrick said:

At the root of it all is people's desire for other peoples hard earned stuff!


Today's sanitized version of looting and pillaging is taxes. 


The rich, who take the working man's hard earned money, by threat of jail, and spend it (and borrow even more) on their own favorite investments, $billions in "humanitarian  aid" to Terrorist States , Mad Mullah's, assorted Communist countries around the world,, and  Nuclear Powers like Pakistan.


As long as we send them our fish, and not fishing rods, it will always be thus!🙂

Can't disagree with any of that.  I once read an article where someone made the point that the most efficient gangster operation operating in the world was governments.

If you think about it governments get away with financial atrocities. You cannot escape their greedy grasp. Even the Black economy has at some stage to use its money to purchase things which include tax.

Even when you die they still get their pound of flesh, death duties are a tax on property and possessions that you have bought and paid tax on while you were alive and they want additional tax from the same items after you die!



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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Simple question cuttsie, do you believe that if there was no religion the world would be a benign, peaceful and happy place with no violence or strife of any kind?


Because if you do you're unbelievably naive. The human race is an uncivilised savage species that has murdered each other for numerous reasons throughout history with the greed of a few almost always being the real reason behind the excuse of religion, patriotism or ideology.


So, yes or no cuttsie, would the end of religion bring universal peace?

All I know is that those Aztecs in South America were living a nice piece full life unti some nutter from Rome sent his priests to convert them to Christianity , Then the ballon went up they no longer worshipped the Sun and Moon as well as nature but some bogy man in the sky ,, So if we all did what those Azzy's did and worshipped the things that give us live and substance then yes I think we would have a more piecefull World . 


Come to think of it I myself worship as the Azzy's did its smashing


Hitler was religious , Attila the Hun was religious , the Taliban are religious , The royal family are religious , The IRA are religious , In fact most of the toss pots that have and caused misery and mass murder in all the History from around a thousand years ago have knelt down with arses in the air praying for som God or other to bring them victory over other poor sods who also kneel down praying for the same thing ,  That help in killing their fellow human kind .

17 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Can't disagree with any of that.  I once read an article where someone made the point that the most efficient gangster operation operating in the world was governments.

If you think about it governments get away with financial atrocities. You cannot escape their greedy grasp. Even the Black economy has at some stage to use its money to purchase things which include tax.

Even when you die they still get their pound of flesh, death duties are a tax on property and possessions that you have bought and paid tax on while you were alive and they want additional tax from the same items after you die!



Best thing to do is spend up before you snuff it .

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11 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Do you think all people who attack others are mentally unstable? And I disagree it's little to do with religion.

If someone attacks someone randomly that they don't know, and has done them no personal harm then yes, I think that mental instability is the reason.

Just about everyone is capable of being violent under certain circumstances. Self defence or the protection of others is a reasonable reason for the use of force.

Just deciding to attack someone without a specific reason is a sign of a mental problem. Religion is an excuse for lunacy from some people but without it they would still be violent maniacs.

Did the attacker in Paris engage the people he attacked in conversation to verify that they were anti Islamic? I've met white Muslims he had no idea and couldn't care less, just wanted to be violent.

Religion is used to justify atrocities but it is also used for good and overall the good outweighs the bad but the bad gets the publicity. 


I was raised religiously but don't believe in any religion dreamt up by the limited imagination of humanity. I'm not an atheist which is another belief in something that can't be proved. I'm agnostic, I simply accept the fact that I don't know.

I have seen religion provide comfort in times of heartbreak and have regretted that I simply can't believe. But I wouldn't deny the consolation to those who do.




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3 minutes ago, cuttsie said:



Hitler was religious , Attila the Hun was religious , the Taliban are religious , The royal family are religious , The IRA are religious , In fact most of the toss pots that have and caused misery and mass murder in all the History from around a thousand years ago have knelt down with arses in the air praying for som God or other to bring them victory over other poor sods who also kneel down praying for the same thing ,  That help in killing their fellow human kind .

And yet for those few examples, they continue to be outnumbered by the thousands/millions of non violent religious people that don’t go killing in the name of…..

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3 hours ago, m williamson said:

The man is obviously mentally unstable. Religion has little to do with it, if there were no religion there would still be lunatics, they'd just find something else to obsess about.

Religion. Patriotism and Ideology can all be fine in moderation but they are used by despots and leaders in all parts of the world to control people and get them to do their bidding.

A little less gullibility by people could reduce that, but nutters such as the guy in Paris will unfortunately always be with us.

The Muslim religion has very much to do with  the latest terrorist attack.  If there was only Christianity based religions then the World would be a more peaceful better place.

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Do you think all people who attack others are mentally unstable? And I disagree it's little to do with religion.

Some of it will be to do with religion but probably most will not.

I've tried to tell you before that it's a mistake to lump a whole set of people together as though they are identical.  Humans ARE NEVER like that.

We got attacked by Islamics,  not because they were Islamics,   but because we attacked them first,  just check the civilian death toll when we bombed Bagdad.

France has suffered the same and Israel is now suffering the same.

Some attacks are by people who are mentally unstable and by people who have been brainwashed which may not be connected to religion at all.


3 hours ago, Axe said:

The Muslim religion has very much to do with  the latest terrorist attack.  If there was only Christianity based religions then the World would be a more peaceful better place.

You must be joking.  get back to your history books.

To be perfectly honest,  the Christian Church cannot even manage to guide and educate children without child abuse on a massive scale.


Edited by Organgrinder
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