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Mum Sues Building Firm When Her 10 Yr Old Son Enters A Site And Gets Killed

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On 07/12/2023 at 12:21, Thorpist said:

Whilst visiting a friend in the USA he was told by a parent who had brought a child along to the kids party if an accident happens he would be sued by the parents. The upshot being no more kids parties.

Certainly health and safety protection was very poor years ago  and regulation  has saved many lives and prevented serious injuries to many people . However the whole human resources area has become a self perpetuating edifice where  things get stalled and work grinds to a halt for the most minor reasons . Common sense and personal responsibility seem to be legislated out of everyday life .

 I see lots of riders on bicycles not wearing clothing which can be seen and without lights and when an accident occurs the car driver generally takes the blame. Speaking as a cyclist I try to make sure that I am visible and well lit

Excellent post.

The only thing that needs clarifying is "years ago".

I would be the first to admit that 150 years ago things were really bad, H&S defn needed improving.

Even 100 years ago there was significant room for improvement.

But I do wonder how many lives the regulations / bans / restrictions they have introduced in the last, say, 30 years, have actually saved. And how much they have cost, and not just in monetary terms but in terms of restrictions on all our lives. For instance, I can remember going to steam railways many years go and getting unofficial trips on the footplate of steam locos, years before that they were actually official trips on the footplate !

Is that still allowed ? If it is you never see it.

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20 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

What has any of that crap got to do with a child dying on a negligently run building site.

You are obsessed man and quite frankly no I don't care.  I don't care that you get soooo wound up and overreact soooo extremely about rules brought in by people who know better and have the brain power to think about the wider picture.  

You don't care about any of that crap because you don't have child swimming in galas, can you not see how selfish you sound ?


>>the wider picture<<


And the wider picture is that it's all gone too far.

People do not expect to take any responsibility fort their own actions (or the actions of their kids). It's always someone else fault.

I can remember years ago when a drunk student fell in the river in York and his parents were seriously suggesting the council should put up fences all along the river front.

But they will do so, sooner or later, I'd put money on it.


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18 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

You don't care about any of that crap because you don't have child swimming in galas, can you not see how selfish you sound ?


>>the wider picture<<


And the wider picture is that it's all gone too far.

People do not expect to take any responsibility fort their own actions (or the actions of their kids). It's always someone else fault.

I can remember years ago when a drunk student fell in the river in York and his parents were seriously suggesting the council should put up fences all along the river front.

But they will do so, sooner or later, I'd put money on it.


Christ sake will you stop bringing up your kid swimming and your pathetic obsession about freedom to go filming children in swim gear as it is not relevant to this thread.


What is wrong with you? 


As for your York example, hardly seems outrageous if they did put fencing up.  Its a city well known for a big student population, lots of tourism and lots of day trippers for the races. Very often all three elements involving heavy drinking of alcohol.  Proximity of several key pubs in town are on the Riverside. So is it really so outrageous to think about the risk. Of course that's not absolving all responsibility off the drunkard who falls in but irrelevant of that no authority wants to be fishing bodies out the river on a continual basis dual do they.  


Prevention is better than the cure they say and despite what your over exaggerating, illogical and clearly triggered brain is trying to tell you - it is not in reality some newfangled modern concept.   There had always been safety precautions and barriers and guards and restrictions and regulations and insurance policies.


Most industrial workers know not to handle a red hot molten piece of steel or stare directly the furnace but there still give them protective clothing don't they?  Most miners knew full well about the limited height and low hanging beams but they're still given a helmet arnt they?    Most high access workers know no to let go of the ladder or walk off the scaffold but they're still clip them on don't they?  Most  people can walk down a flight of stairs without toppling over the side, but they still install bannisters don't they?   Most people can drive a car without smashing it into a wall, but they're still install seat belts don't they?


I guess in your ideal world they wouldn't bother. After all, their own fault if they get hurt isn't it. 


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20 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

You are obsessed man and quite frankly no I don't care.  I don't care that you get soooo wound up and overreact soooo extremely about rules brought in by people who know better and have the brain power to think about the wider picture.  

I missed this.

Oh yes, "people who know better", experts, they know best, so they should tell us all what to do all the time.

I take it you'll have loved it during Covid, being ruled by "expert" scientists : we will follow the science !

Except :


1 - Nobody voted for them


2 : They were wrong more often than they were right. Literally tossing a coin would have been more accurate.


Your whole premise is wrong anyway because it's about people's risk aversion and their attitude to personal responsibility and personal freedom, which are more political and social. It's got very little to do with "experts" knowing what's best for us.

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I missed this.

Oh yes, "people who know better", experts, they know best, so they should tell us all what to do all the time.

I take it you'll have loved it during Covid, being ruled by "expert" scientists : we will follow the science !

Except :


1 - Nobody voted for them


2 : They were wrong more often than they were right. Literally tossing a coin would have been more accurate.


Your whole premise is wrong anyway because it's about people's risk aversion and their attitude to personal responsibility and personal freedom, which are more political and social. It's got very little to do with "experts" knowing what's best for us.

You forgot to mention Mike Thingybob and masks.



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20 hours ago, cressida said:

Never mind Chekhov your lad may suddenly shoot up in height and surpass the others👍

TBH Cress, I'm not sure he's really got the work ethic to be the best, he used to be the best purely because I used to take him swimming a hell of a lot when he was very young and he got individual coaching (though coppernob - or whatever his name is - reckons I don't know anything about it). It'd be great if he did shoot up in height and surpass the others, but the most important thing about him swimming in a club is the friendships he makes. Even more important they're out side of school, I think it's very important that kids have friends outside of school.

And he gets to do something he is good at with those friends, what's not to like ? ! ?

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

Christ sake will you stop bringing up your kid swimming and your pathetic obsession about freedom to go filming children in swim gear as it is not relevant to this thread.

Why are you getting annoyed at my opinion ?

It's me who has reason to get annoyed and angry as it's me who is being stopped from doing stuff, not you.

And me being stopped from videoing my lad winning his first ever fly race has got EVERYTHING to do with this thread.

It's about the nanny state  banning stuff so that everyone is "safe", though they never objectively define what safe actually means.

Why don't they ban deep sea trawling ? Or farming ? Or roofing etc 

Compared with how dangerous they are everything we have talked about on here is so safe it's not worth bothering about.. 


41 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

You forgot to mention Mike Thingybob and masks.

I thought you'd got me on ignore ?

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