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Immigration Numbers?

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You got it in one.

Nobody begins to know what the Conservative Party stands for any longer.

Just an association of MPs who are leaderless and rudderless and most pondering where it went so wrong

I am perfectly happy to have either party provided it is not at either end of the spectrum.

Like it or not,Cameron opened the door to the loonies who have now done their work.

GB News can only absorb so many

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1 minute ago, hackey lad said:

Don’t worry, Labour will sort it all out. They’ve got a plan you know.:rolleyes:

Labour will open 'Legal routes' so people won't waste their money on smugglers.


But don't worry they'll still expect everything for free when they get here 


They'll save the smuggling money to buy new trainer and iPhones 

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6 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Haha 🤣


It's because you can't answer my question 



I think the current iteration of the Tory Party, there's a reactionary, almost negative, anti postwar consensus agenda: Pro marketisation of everything in areas of the public realm e.g. the NHS, local government, education, broadcasting, etc. I think their utter conviction that the market will solve everything, when the market has demonstrably failed e.g. water privatisation, rail privatisation, probation privatisation, deregulation of local services. The nationalist element of the Tory Party can be seen in their desire for Brexit, and the culture wars which they happily instigate e.g. anti immigrant, interestingly don't seem to bother them when jonny foreigner wants to own previously held british state industries - only when it threatens their hegemony - look at the recent row over the ownership of the Daily Telegraph - their traditional cheerleaders.

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1 minute ago, Mister M said:

I think the current iteration of the Tory Party, there's a reactionary, almost negative, anti postwar consensus agenda: Pro marketisation of everything in areas of the public realm e.g. the NHS, local government, education, broadcasting, etc. I think their utter conviction that the market will solve everything, when the market has demonstrably failed e.g. water privatisation, rail privatisation, probation privatisation, deregulation of local services. The nationalist element of the Tory Party can be seen in their desire for Brexit, and the culture wars which they happily instigate e.g. anti immigrant, interestingly don't seem to bother them when jonny foreigner wants to own previously held british state industries - only when it threatens their hegemony - look at the recent row over the ownership of the Daily Telegraph - their traditional cheerleaders.

Since Brexit the Tory party have opened our borders to legal migration 


Broadcasting like the BBC is regarded as very left wing 


The NHS has more public money than it ever has


Taxes are higher than they ever have



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32 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Please tell me what's right wing about the current conservative party?

they're imprisoning people for protesting.


they regularly identify powerless/minority 'other' groups to blame for problems.



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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Since Brexit the Tory party have opened our borders to legal migration 

Who said Tories are consistent, logical or have thought through plans?



Broadcasting like the BBC is regarded as very left wing 

Yes, by people who are even more right wing, and have swivel eyed views about pluralism.



The NHS has more public money than it ever has

Partly as a consequence of failures and cuts in other areas. 



Taxes are higher than they ever have

Once again, partly because of failures in public and economic policy decisions they've taken.




One of the characteristics of the Tory Party is to point the finger at others, and accuse them of idleness and being workshy. If you were truly a rightwinger, you'd get off your arse, and tell us what you think isn't right wing about the government, instead of getting other to do the reflection and hard work for you.

You're like that "angry child" you were complaining about in your post.

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7 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Broadcasting like the BBC is regarded as very left wing 

your regular reminder that "very left wing" means something akin to Maoism, not 'gets a bit tangled trying not to offend people'

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11 minutes ago, ads36 said:

they're imprisoning people for protesting.


they regularly identify powerless/minority 'other' groups to blame for problems.



Who have they put in prison for protesting?


Minority groups have no power.....do you mean like the trans groups who make up less than 1% of the population but have rainbow flags for one month of the year? 


In most right wing counties homosexuality is illegal not celebrated 👍

Edited by Jack Grey
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