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Time For The Uk To Withdraw From The Echr

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Not very often it happens but,  in this case I agree with you and that is government at it's most stupid.

Whilst being good and supportive of genuine asylum seekers, we need to stop making a rod for our own backs by being so easy going with those who ignore the rules.

We should never have granted him leave to remain in the first place and law breakers should automatically be deported no matter what the circumstances.

We have enough law ignoring criminals of our own without importing anyone else's.

If he can't work at an ordinary job and support himself,  he shouldn't be here because I don't want to support idle passengers.


The lawyers are a big part of the problem.

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15 minutes ago, Axe said:

The lawyers are a big part of the problem.

Who all operate under a system that the British government played it's part in creating.

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7 minutes ago, cressida said:


Take a good look at the state of this country, it's public services, it's  government for the rich. 

Look at our economy and the statement from the G7 group that we are the only nation where the average citizen is worse off now than we were before the pandemic and Ukraine.

Look at schools and hospitals with crumbling buildings and the finest health system in the world decimated by 13 years of Tory rule.

   Why indeed.

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Well if Labour win the election they'll find out how difficult it is to cater for so many people.

On 08/12/2023 at 20:20, hackey lad said:


Neoliberalism is contemporarily used to refer to market-oriented reform policies such as "eliminating price controls, deregulating capital markets, lowering trade barriers" and reducing, especially through privatization and austerity, state influence in the economy.


Everybody knew that didn't they?

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12 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Take a good look at the state of this country, it's public services, it's  government for the rich. 

Look at our economy and the statement from the G7 group that we are the only nation where the average citizen is worse off now than we were before the pandemic and Ukraine.

Look at schools and hospitals with crumbling buildings and the finest health system in the world decimated by 13 years of Tory rule.

   Why indeed.

I am much looking forward to the Labour party putting everything right.


Can't wait.

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2 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I am much looking forward to the Labour party putting everything right.


Can't wait.

You'll have a very long wait in front of you.    If I got a 10 year extension,  I still wouldn't live to see the end of repairing that lot.

 I do know though,  you're eagerly waiting for the chance to cast the blame elsewhere because you don't have any defence for the Tory's.

Most people really are not that shallow and will realise that there's a lot to do in difficult circumstances,  but Labour at least,  won't be responsible for those circumstances.

Doesn't matter to me though as I don't rate Starmer,   but I do know he can't be worse than this bunch of clowns.     Let's face it,  Frank Spencer would be better than the present lot.


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15 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You'll have a very long wait in front of you.    If I got a 10 year extension,  I still wouldn't live to see the end of repairing that lot.

 I do know though,  you're eagerly waiting for the chance to cast the blame elsewhere because you don't have any defence for the Tory's.

Most people really are not that shallow and will realise that there's a lot to do in difficult circumstances,  but Labour at least,  won't be responsible for those circumstances.

Doesn't matter to me though as I don't rate Starmer,   but I do know he can't be worse than this bunch of clowns.     Let's face it,  Frank Spencer would be better than the present lot.



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