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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I think his point was people who criticise our countries history and culture while enjoying all the benefits, freedoms and luxuries that it brings

Complaining about immigration, given our history and the benefits it has brought, falls squarely within these bounds :?


24 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The sort of hypocrisy you get from lefties who complain about the greed of corporations on Facebook from their iPhones while sat in Starbucks

Is that better, or worse, than complaining and slighting immigrants who, in the vast majority, did precisely what you're hoping to do yourself?


Hypocrisy you say?


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1 minute ago, Magilla said:


Complaining about immigration, given our history and the benefits it has brought, falls squarely within these bounds :?


Is that better, or worse, than complaining and slighting immigrants who, in the vast majority, did precisely what you're hoping to do yourself?


Hypocrisy you say?


Illegal immigration .

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9 minutes ago, Magilla said:


Complaining about immigration, given our history and the benefits it has brought, falls squarely within these bounds :?


Is that better, or worse, than complaining and slighting immigrants who, in the vast majority, did precisely what you're hoping to do yourself?


Hypocrisy you say?


I have never criticised immigrants. If someone comes to this country legally and contributes then good for them. I'll welcome them with open arms. 


I have very strong views on illegal immigration and the abuse of our asylum system


They are very different things which you and the left seem to be either confused or intentionally ignorant about 

Edited by Jack Grey
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The Three Stooges came to my mind a few days ago -  Padders hackey and can't think of the other one atm

24 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Nope, that most certainly is not the sole target of Jacks complaints, equally scathing about those that came legally.

No he is NOT racist or against immigrants who arrived or can arrive legally.

Edited by cressida
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

I have very strong views on illegal immigration and the abuse of our asylum system


They are very different things which you and the left seem to be either confused or intentionally ignorant about 

Confused is putting it mildly!


When it comes to authoritarian diktats from the government hey are all for "law and order",  and you'd better better over, or else!


But when it comes to criminals, able bodied punks who's first act on foreign soil is to jump in front of the line, and assorted terrorists, not so much.


Lots of silly allegories about would you let criminals take over your house, but blind as bats when they invade the entire country, because they'll likely be voting for, nay, DEMANDING, more "free" government cheese from the already bankrupt Treasury, along with the new government Agencies and masses of more  "overworked and "overstressed" union featherbedders you need, to dole it out equitably.


I put it down to your Teachers Union run schools and that government licenced probananda box TV.


A captive audience, who have no clue what is really happening in that big world out there!


But every one is a self appointed expert on military and political strategy, and privy to what the world's leaders are REALLY thinking!


Because they saw a documentary on the telly, last night!


They are taught to hate the most productive members of society, and love the least!


There's really no hope for such a society!


Stick a fork in 'em, they are done like dinner!

Edited by trastrick
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