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Although he didn't live in a palace and streets weren't named for him, Castro still lived more extravagantly and hypocritically than he wanted the world to know. Cuba's revolution leader wasn't as modest as he led on. A decade ago, Forbes estimated Fidel Castro's personal net worth at $900 million.


Strange how communist leaders don't share their wealth isn't it.



Biggest grifters going.

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Whatever wealth my wife and I have accrued is from our own efforts. our Public Sector acquaintances  treat us like a couple of spivs, they couldn’t make a pound from their own efforts if they tried, but continue to think themselves superior to us mere mortals.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Humans will never want to be equal, it's why communism doesn't work. It's got nothing to do with greed, people just want nice things, what's wrong with that?


Do you think a brain surgeon should have the same as a glass collector?


We  need all kinds of workers, The brain surgeon would have more status than a glass collector of course , So maybe a wage to recognise this . Perhaps in a more equal society a maximum wage as well as a minimum one .

No multi millionaire speculators who live of the back of other peoples back breaking work .

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24 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

We  need all kinds of workers, The brain surgeon would have more status than a glass collector of course , So maybe a wage to recognise this . Perhaps in a more equal society a maximum wage as well as a minimum one .

No multi millionaire speculators who live of the back of other peoples back breaking work .

You mean like Amazon who employ over 1.5 million people?  They should be applauded not frowned upon.


There should be no maximum pay in my opinion.


I do however have a gripe with lottery wins being so excessive.

Edited by Al Bundy
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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

You mean like Amazon who employ over 1.5 million people?  They should be applauded not frowned upon.


There should be no maximum pay in my opinion.


I do however have a gripe with lottery wins being so excessive.

I suppose that when say, £1million was a big win, folk didn’t have £1million houses and pension funds.

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Although he didn't live in a palace and streets weren't named for him, Castro still lived more extravagantly and hypocritically than he wanted the world to know. Cuba's revolution leader wasn't as modest as he led on. A decade ago, Forbes estimated Fidel Castro's personal net worth at $900 million.


Strange how communist  All leaders don't share their wealth isn't it.



Biggest grifters going.

You're very naive today.   I would have thought everyone knew that.

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