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16 hours ago, RJRB said:

What are you on about now oh sage of The Caribbean

I see nothing irrational in OGs views and agree with much of them

I see much irrational in Cuttsies views but he just does a lightning strike and then disappears or a day or two.

Your own long winded posts are designed to satisfy your own ego but perhaps give a different image than the one you try to project.

Your Consultancy Reports must have caused some head scratching.


Lot's of head scratching at first from the naysayers like you and our Orgy, who were responsible for the government SNAFU's they couldn't see their way out of!


Lot's of Orgy's and RJRB's out there in the public sector. More than enough to keep me in business!


In the end, they all wanted credit for the "simplistic" solutions, which brought their bogged down projects to completion, on time and under budget.


Which I was always happy to give them. (Part of the job is to make your clients look good, for hiring you, satisfying THEIR egos, not yours 🙂)


It "caused" repeat business, and I never had to spend a dime on advertising, sales promotion. or wining and dining bribable, on the take, civil servants.


I learned there is a huge natural market for competence, honesty and sincerity out there! But not in politics!


Which is what I always told my kids!


(You can't sell a deal you'd never accept yourself)

Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Lot's of head scratching at first from the naysayers like you and our Orgy, who were responsible for the government SNAFU's they couldn't see their way out of!


Lot's of Orgy's and RJRB's out there in the public sector. More than enough to keep me in business!


In the end, they all wanted credit for the "simplistic" solutions, which brought their bogged down projects to completion, on time and under budget.


Which I was always happy to give them. (Part of the job is to make your clients look good, for hiring you, satisfying THEIR egos, not yours 🙂)


It "caused" repeat business, and I never had to spend a dime on advertising, sales promotion. or wining and dining bribable, on the take, civil servants.


I learned there is a huge natural market for competence, honesty and sincerity out there! But not in politics!


Which is what I always told my kids!


(You can't sell a deal you'd never accept yourself)

I'll leave someone else to decipher what that load of twaddle is supposed to be telling us.

They must be selling some stronger juice than Stooooonses over there.


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19 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I'll leave someone else to decipher what that load of twaddle is supposed to be telling us.

They must be selling some stronger juice than Stooooonses over there.


Good idea!


Ask any eight year old kid on the street!🙂

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5 hours ago, trastrick said:

Good idea!


Ask any eight year old kid on the street!🙂

I thought your mental age was something around there so I must be correct.

You never took up my offer of a proper debate on the middle east and explained the 2 points I asked you.


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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

I thought your mental age was something around there so I must be correct.

You never took up my offer of a proper debate on the middle east and explained the 2 points I asked you.


Ok, anytime you're ready!


Go ahead!🙂

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3 hours ago, trastrick said:

Ok, anytime you're ready!


Go ahead!🙂

Already started  -  I did ask you one question and asked you to prove a false statement you made about me.

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13 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Already started  -  I did ask you one question and asked you to prove a false statement you made about me.



You've asked me loads of questions in the past.


And I don't recall making a false statement about you!


So c'mon, don't waffle, man up and tell us all which of your posts and/or my posts are you referring to?

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I've been to Cuba a few times & seen Communism close up. 


Yes, they have one of the best education systems in the world & also a health service that takes care of the population with a doctor / nurse ratio to population that we could only dream of.  However the flip side of that is the doctors & nurses are so poorly paid, as is the rest of the population, many supplement their salaries with second jobs or black market work.  Just ask, even the most highly regarded professional & they'll do a nice sideline in cigars & rum.  And you don't see their health care workers going on strike because they aren't allowed to & would find themselves in gaol


Those working in the tourism industry are lucky to make the equivalent of £25 to £30 a month legally & many rely on tourist at resorts giving them tips or as is common place for tourists, especially for those who have been to Cuba before, taking additional items, especially toiletries, to give to them that they struggle to afford. 


Despite all industries being State controlled with virtually full employment, many of the streets are like bomb sites.  It's not uncommon to see open sewers in Havana, even in the tourist areas. 


Go out at night & you'll find areas in total darkness due to power cuts which of course affects Internet access for locals & tourists alike.  The Internet content itself is strictly controlled by the State. You can't have the Cuban population finding out what it's like in tbe outside world or which many will never see unless the State allows them to leave the island. 


Meanwhile of course, the controling elite live in luxury.  That as ever is Communism in a nutshell. 





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4 hours ago, Baron99 said:

I've been to Cuba a few times & seen Communism close up. 


Yes, they have one of the best education systems in the world & also a health service that takes care of the population with a doctor / nurse ratio to population that we could only dream of.  However the flip side of that is the doctors & nurses are so poorly paid, as is the rest of the population, many supplement their salaries with second jobs or black market work.  Just ask, even the most highly regarded professional & they'll do a nice sideline in cigars & rum.  And you don't see their health care workers going on strike because they aren't allowed to & would find themselves in gaol


Those working in the tourism industry are lucky to make the equivalent of £25 to £30 a month legally & many rely on tourist at resorts giving them tips or as is common place for tourists, especially for those who have been to Cuba before, taking additional items, especially toiletries, to give to them that they struggle to afford. 


Despite all industries being State controlled with virtually full employment, many of the streets are like bomb sites.  It's not uncommon to see open sewers in Havana, even in the tourist areas. 


Go out at night & you'll find areas in total darkness due to power cuts which of course affects Internet access for locals & tourists alike.  The Internet content itself is strictly controlled by the State. You can't have the Cuban population finding out what it's like in tbe outside world or which many will never see unless the State allows them to leave the island. 


Meanwhile of course, the controling elite live in luxury.  That as ever is Communism in a nutshell. 


That doesn't surprise me at all.

What will surprise me is when we find a political system that is not like that at all.  seems pretty certain there isn't one.


Take our very own  "democracy" where we have so many people living on the streets,  Where we have poor people having to choose whether they "eat" food or "heat" their home.

They can make their careful choice in the knowledge that they are paying for their Royal families  food and heating bills,  along with those of the Prime Minister,  the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and a few more.

They can pay for politicians to tell them what they must or must not do whilst those self same politicians do as they please. in the same matters.

We are told about the importance of truth,  law & order,  good behaviour,  saving the planet  etc whilst in return,  they demonstrate  to us that none of that matters at all to them.

We all know that,  between us,  we could write a book regarding the goings on of our ruling classes who are guilty of everything they frown on when laying down the law to us.

If there is a good fair system on this planet,  I have yet to hear of it.     We should sort out the commies etc,  after we've put our own house in order.


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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

That doesn't surprise me at all.

What will surprise me is when we find a political system that is not like that at all.  seems pretty certain there isn't one.


Take our very own  "democracy" where we have so many people living on the streets,  Where we have poor people having to choose whether they "eat" food or "heat" their home.

They can make their careful choice in the knowledge that they are paying for their Royal families  food and heating bills,  along with those of the Prime Minister,  the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and a few more.

They can pay for politicians to tell them what they must or must not do whilst those self same politicians do as they please. in the same matters.

We are told about the importance of truth,  law & order,  good behaviour,  saving the planet  etc whilst in return,  they demonstrate  to us that none of that matters at all to them.

We all know that,  between us,  we could write a book regarding the goings on of our ruling classes who are guilty of everything they frown on when laying down the law to us.

If there is a good fair system on this planet,  I have yet to hear of it.     We should sort out the commies etc,  after we've put our own house in order.


In a democracy the population get what they deserve, no more no less.


Not all democratic countries are basket cases, including my adopted country!



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