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Tech Phobia

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

It is becoming increasingly difficult to live one's life without a smart phone. I just answered a question about car parks just this morning. More and more car parks will only let you park there if you use their effin' app. That might be (just about) morally acceptable if it's a private carpark, but certainly not for any public one, like a hospital or on street parking etc etc

So, you have a basic smartphone, leave data off except for the odd time you really need it and carry on as normal - as I said before, and as others have said, there is usually an option to pay via a website prior to using car parks which 'only' allow you to pay via phone - if you know you are going to be using one in advance, of course.

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28 minutes ago, Anna B said:

As it says in the title, is there such a thing as 'tech phobia' ie. a hatred of and refusal to engage with modern technology, computers, smart phones, internet, etc. because if there is, I think I'm getting it.

Things used to be so simple, a quick phone call, a letter, job done. But just trying to find a phone number is a job in itself, you think you have it only to find you've been put through to a call centre. Press1, press2, etc etc. And I'm 15th in the queue.

Now, for instance, I don't even know if I'm engaging with a real person or AI. 

A simple call can take up all morning. And I don't have brain power or the energy to spare.


And don't get me started on applying online... 

Is all this tech a blessing or a curse? Especially for older people... 




Anna, if there is a thing called "Tech Phobia" then I've got it..

And I'm sick of it..

I struggle with everyday life, it just gets more complicated.

Up to 8 years ago nothing phased me, I could tackle any problem with confidence.

Then I lost my wife, 

Being on my own has taken it's toll and things "Tech" wise have gradually gone down hill...

I can't even go out to seek advice as all the pubs have closed, only one pub left and thriving on my estate and that's "Padders Bar"


I now rely on my daughters to help me, but of course their not always available, and I don't like to pester them..

I've had a few "Technical" problems lately, and I've managed to sort em....BUT.

(Ruddy hell as I type this Computer says Microsoft not responding)  see what I mean...

Anyway it's back now Grrr...

So, as I was saying, I've solved a few problems of late, but problems that my daughters would solve in a few minutes takes me, I kid you not, about 2/3/4/5 hours.

These things can affect your mental health, sometimes I feel like screaming at the Computer, Tele, Microwave, Toaster, Oven, in fact anything with a plug on it.

At the moment I'm having an episode with U-Tube, I can't get it, and U-Tube keeps me going.

I've tried every cure known to man, and it dunt want to know. I've admitted defeat on this one, so contacted my daughter yesterday, she's coming tonight, probably take her about 5 minutes to fix it.

It's a nightmare Anna.I sometimes think I'm going mad! maybe I am........




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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

As it says in the title, is there such a thing as 'tech phobia' ie. a hatred of and refusal to engage with modern technology, computers, smart phones, internet, etc. because if there is, I think I'm getting it.

Things used to be so simple, a quick phone call, a letter, job done. But just trying to find a phone number is a job in itself, you think you have it only to find you've been put through to a call centre. Press1, press2, etc etc. And I'm 15th in the queue.

Now, for instance, I don't even know if I'm engaging with a real person or AI. 

A simple call can take up all morning. And I don't have brain power or the energy to spare.


And don't get me started on applying online... 

Is all this tech a blessing or a curse? Especially for older people... 




I couldn't live without my phone or internet 


Everything i need is in my hand


Anyone that can get by using libraries and writing letters can't be very busy


I think the last letter I wrote was to Santa in the 1980s

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

As it says in the title, is there such a thing as 'tech phobia' ie. a hatred of and refusal to engage with modern technology, computers, smart phones, internet, etc. because if there is, I think I'm getting it.

Things used to be so simple, a quick phone call, a letter, job done. But just trying to find a phone number is a job in itself, you think you have it only to find you've been put through to a call centre. Press1, press2, etc etc. And I'm 15th in the queue.

Now, for instance, I don't even know if I'm engaging with a real person or AI. 

A simple call can take up all morning. And I don't have brain power or the energy to spare.


And don't get me started on applying online... 

Is all this tech a blessing or a curse? Especially for older people...

I don't think most of that's tech phobia; I think it's entirely understandable frustration with dealing with bodies that can tend to make things difficult when you have an issue that's not a simple stimulus-response button X solves problem Y.  Dealing with some banks and energy companies after my mum died last year convinced me of that, and I embrace tech eagerly. 


Age UK used to - and hopefully still do - run ten-week computer courses for over 60s  who are nervous about computers and want to get themselves up to date.  They were one-to-one sessions with someone who can tailor the course to your particular needs.


I'm in the arse end of nowhere, and my bank has closed just about every branch in the county, including the one in the next little town over that managed to hang on until the summer. Embracing the apps is absolutely essential now, as is keeping your fingers crossed that you don't have an issue that needs you to go into the branch and queue up along with the rest of the county's bank-deprived residents.

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Anna , A little of track ,

This morning I took the dogs on the usual meander through  the  lanes and backwaters in Greno woods .

As I entered the path  A lady behind also came through the style ,     She was on her phone .


I only have one walking speed now so thats it , but the phone woman following matched my speed by step .


She was talking at the top of her voice , Telling who ever was on the other end that so and so two doors away does not talk to her now because she parks in front of her house , Then their Lillie is not being invited for Christmas because her boy friend takes drugs , Then it was the post man who she says keeps her post back for days on end ,then !!!!!!! and so on and on and on .

She was a dozen steps behind for half an hour and never once came up for breath ,One daft subject after another .who ever was on the other end must be a saint as they never got a word in .


So in the end I had get away , The walk was knackered by the constant loud shouting into the blooody smart phone ,

I decided to take a un known track through mud and brambles so as to get back to peace and quiet that is usual through these woods ' 

I slipped in the bleeedin mud and in trying to get up slipped again , I was covered in ****te ,

I should have stopped in .


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One thing that has to be mentioned is companies using IT to make their job easier, by giving a worse service.

Some companies do not even have a phone number, and others make you wait for ages as they click through all their options trying to  get you so peak to an auto bot, helpfully (NOT ! ) reminding you that you can use their website.

Even worse are this forcing you to talk to a bleedin' computer, eff off.



1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Anyone that can get by using libraries and writing letters can't be very busy

I can't agree with that, reading a book is a totally different experience from a screen.

I seem to remember that they were predicting the demise of the book not so long ago.

How wrong they were.

One other point, research has proved that the more effort anyone puts into finding out something the more likely you are to remember it......

Edited by Chekhov
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17 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

One thing that has to be mentioned is companies using IT to make their job easier, by giving a worse service.

Some companies do not even have a phone number, and others make you wait for ages as they click through all their options trying to  get you so peak to an auto bot, helpfully (NOT ! ) reminding you that you can use their website.

Even worse are this forcing you to talk to a bleedin' computer, eff off.



I can't agree with that, reading a book is a totally different experience from a screen.

I seem to remember that they were predicting the demise of the book not so long ago.

How wrong they were.

One other point, research has proved that the more effort anyone puts into finding out something the more likely you are to remember it......

I didn't mean reading but Google has changed our lives


Why go to the library when i have the worlds information at my finger tips 


It's incredible when you think of how powerful our phones are now 


I have the S23 Ultra and it's the best phone in the world apparently


Does everything 

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8 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I didn't mean reading but Google has changed our lives


Why go to the library when i have the worlds information at my finger tips 


It's incredible when you think of how powerful our phones are now 


I have the S23 Ultra and it's the best phone in the world apparently


Does everything 

Going to the library is a living , doing experience , I go every week , The Central Library is a place of calm and you can spend an hour in there just taking in the atmosphere of a wonderful building .

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5 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Going to the library is a living , doing experience , I go every week , The Central Library is a place of calm and you can spend an hour in there just taking in the atmosphere of a wonderful building .

I thought the only reason people go in the central library these days is to do a poo in their toilets 


I stand corrected 

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17 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

I thought the only reason people go in the central library these days is to do a poo in their toilets 


I stand corrected 

Displaying your ignorance again.   Not surprising that you seem to know almost nothing despite all that mind-broadening travel.

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