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13 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I have every soddin' right to "whine" as you put it, it took booking.com three days to get back to us and when they did they had not actually answered what we'd asked, so we have entered the loop again.

To everyone but yourself that is unacceptably bad service.

TBH I think you're arguing for the sake of it, just like you did over me apparently not knowing how to coach my lad's swimming.


As for your implication that people should not complain I could not disagree with you more. People should complain MORE, quite apart from anything else decent businesses WANT to know if they are doing stuff wrong and/or their customers are unhappy with them.

Never let it be said I do not admit when I was wrong !

I decided to phone booking.com this morning as their message system was getting no where. Apart from some stress when the system insisted on a booking ref before connecting the call (and it had dots in it......, you do not appear to need to put them in) I actually got through pretty quickly. Then the lady was very helpful, actually phoned me back, and cancelled our reservation (which was actually non refundable, though patently unsuitable) for free.



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