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3 minutes ago, Palomar said:

But then comes out with vile ****e like:


"Likewise, I don't care if you are a frustrated old fat, ugly, hairy feminist, who's never met a decent man in her life for good reason!"


Perhaps I just can't see the cheerful good listener in stuff like this, but you somehow can.



We've all been there Palomar, the secret is not to bite. 

EVERYBODY should be more respectful of each other on forums. Sheffield Forum especially.

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44 minutes ago, RJRB said:

I’m a smashing bloke too in day to day life 😁and only on a Forum have I been referred to as a “Truly despicable human being”👿👹

I am sure that most of the range of views on all contentious subjects are represented by friends and families and sometimes crop up in conversation.

However,they remain friends and family.

Forums and exchanges on Twitter etc.can be toxic as you have experienced but hardly relate to the real world.

If some one else blows your trumpet the sound can be heard for miles and miles .

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38 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

If some one else blows your trumpet the sound can be heard for miles and miles .

But nobody on this Forum knows me as the Proper Sheffielder and caring person that I truly am so I must put the record straight and quash your assertion that I,and OG for that matter  are truly despicable human beings.

A comment that I take with a pinch of salt but which illustrates something within yourself that you criticise in others.

Anyway,accept that at heart I am a good person or lash out as it suits which might mean that you are not as nice you think you are.


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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Trasky is a smashing bloke Anna , Good listener as well as talker.

He is getting on in years but still thinks and acts like a much younger person .

Apart from that he likes a good drink among who ever happens to be sat at the bar .Be they Prince orPauper .

Bang on 

Thanks for the kind words from Cressy, Anna and George. You'd be at home here where kind words, politeness and respect, are the rule, not the exception. Hate is not part of their genetic make up here, but they don't suffer fools and obnoxious trouble makers gladly,


I wish you could have joined me yesterday on a typical Sunday (Domingo Sociale)


Morning coffee across the street where the elderly lady opens up her little house store front a 7 am then across the street to another elderly lady who sells a few groceries for milk, soap and fresh eggs. Smiles and Bueno dia from everybody.


In the afternoon, the Haitian guy and his wife put out the white plastic chairs in front of his store/bar. The young ones bring out the big speakers, and the party is on, beer and rum is shared with everybody who drops by including the two local cops, but they stick to coke or agua. Soon the dancing starts, old young and in between, bachata, salsa and meringue.


I take it all in, and sit there and count my blessings on how fortunate and privileged this Sheffield lad is to be an accepted part of it.


Matter of fact, I invite you to do just that, visit.


You will go away with  completely different view of humanity, and a lot of optimism for the future. And maybe like me when I first got here, danced for the first time in years.


And no! I'm not blowing my own trumpet here. I had nothing to do with it.


I am blowing THEIRS!



Edited by trastrick
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Thanks for the revelation that day to day life is somewhat different to the other world of Forums.

We are mainly social creatures whether out and about in Sheffield,DR or wherever.

Its not where you are that counts at all but ones attitude to others.

I have strong ties to Sheffield and have absolutely no wish or need to relocate even to the many beautiful settings and climates that I have enjoyed in the past




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3 hours ago, Palomar said:

But then comes out with vile ****e like:


"Likewise, I don't care if you are a frustrated old fat, ugly, hairy feminist, who's never met a decent man in her life for good reason!"


Perhaps I just can't see the cheerful good listener in stuff like this, but you somehow can.



Did you see her comment to which I was responding?


I'm human.


I sometimes respond in kind to personal insults, no matter how "dressed up" or outright profane they might be.


But I don't use a scattergun approach. I reserve my hostility to bullies, would be bullies, and those who hide behind them, and cheer them on!


Petty wanna be moderators and the like!


Clapping seals, I call 'em!


I grew in a part of Sheffield where that was a requirement. Served me well!



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42 minutes ago, RJRB said:

But nobody on this Forum knows me as the Proper Sheffielder and caring person that I truly am so I must put the record straight and quash your assertion that I,and OG for that matter  are truly despicable human beings.

A comment that I take with a pinch of salt but which illustrates something within yourself that you criticise in others.

Anyway,accept that at heart I am a good person or lash out as it suits which might mean that you are not as nice you think you are.


I know     ,I can be a complete twaaaat .

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Most of us have had our 'moments' some after a few drinks but it's better to perhaps not react immediately,  think about it,  if someone attacks you and you reply calmly and reasonably others will notice and know that you're not the aggressive one - makes for a nicer atmosphere.

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1 minute ago, cressida said:

Most of us have had our 'moments' some after a few drinks but it's better to perhaps not react immediately,  think about it,  if someone attacks you and you reply calmly and reasonably others will notice and know that you're not the aggressive one - makes for a nicer atmosphere.

Tried it Cressy , It does not work with me , If some one attacks I react , can't help it .   Some times any way .

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