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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

I'll stop calling you a patronising arsehole when you stop referring to women, or indeed anyone else, as 'dearie' every time they take apart your arguments and you get annoyed about it.  Until then, act like a patronising arsehole, and get called a patronising arsehole.   Note that stopping calling you a patronising arsehole does not negate the fact that you are indeed a patronising arsehole; I think that's well-established by now by your own words.

There, there!


Feel better now?😀

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34 minutes ago, Palomar said:

I'm currently reading local academic and aqaintence of mine Dr David Clarke's book 'How UFOs Conquered The World", plenty in there about Rendlesham. I'm well aquatinted with the accociated topics, my phone lock screen is of the pylon at Stockbridge Bypass. I'm an utter sceptic of course but interested in whimsy and psychology.


Coincidentally it was probably Dr Dave's 1987 book Strange Sheffield that kept the Bunting Nook legends alive, he wrote it with my lodger Rob Wilson who was the Mulder of the partnership.


I will check out the podcasts, thank you.


I bought that book for a school project not long after it was published!  Red and white cover, right? Vanished into the ether, inevitably.


I'm a massive sceptic, but enthusiastically embrace all things folklore and ghostly, especially the reasons why people believe, though I'm relatively uninformed compared to most, I think.  I am/was/have been/procrastinate about writing a book about a sceptical paranormal investigator, but it's coming along at roughly a quarter of a chapter every other year :hihi:

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

so your "toxic masculinity" responds in the form of " dearie" in your posts ?

I must try not to get on the wrong side of such a lethal antagonist.

You talk down to women in general, with one exception for some strange reason,  and I was one who watched this "dearie" thing start off and objected at the time.

Your odd ramblings though,  really are not important enough to worry what you say.  Most of it is either childish  bragging,  which I disbelieve or USA 'isms which are laughable if you know what I mean "y'all"

You usual focus on US politics, Presidents etc,  is also pretty boring as you compare one corrupt individual to another corrupt individual, when we have our own set of numpties to cope with.


I call women Love , !!!!!!!!!!!!And men ,   dearie . I never venture near a arse hole though .

50 minutes ago, Palomar said:

I'm currently reading local academic and aqaintence of mine Dr David Clarke's book 'How UFOs Conquered The World", plenty in there about Rendlesham. I'm well aquatinted with the accociated topics, my phone lock screen is of the pylon at Stockbridge Bypass. I'm an utter sceptic of course but interested in whimsy and psychology.


Coincidentally it was probably Dr Dave's 1987 book Strange Sheffield that kept the Bunting Nook legends alive, he wrote it with my lodger Rob Wilson who was the Mulder of the partnership.


I will check out the podcasts, thank you.


Alternative 3 .

Edited by cuttsie
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1 hour ago, Hecate said:

I bought that book for a school project not long after it was published!  Red and white cover, right? Vanished into the ether, inevitably.


I'm a massive sceptic, but enthusiastically embrace all things folklore and ghostly, especially the reasons why people believe, though I'm relatively uninformed compared to most, I think.  I am/was/have been/procrastinate about writing a book about a sceptical paranormal investigator, but it's coming along at roughly a quarter of a chapter every other year :hihi:

I've a copy in front of me, white cover, mauve lettering, b&w illustration of a hooded figure chasing someone past the Cholera Monument.


Yes the reasons why people believe is my main angle, and it inspires strange adventures and the basis for most holidays, the Orkneys were great this summer, I was down Avebury way the other week, you could say I'm a 'stoner'.


1 hour ago, Hecate said:

And I'm sure you're not condescending or patronising, just like any other Sheffielder I used to hear pleasantly greeting someone with 'love' or something similar.


Context is everything, as I'm sure everyone can judge. And those are just the examples that didn't get deleted.

Wow he's a real double downer, nice use of the search function!

Edited by Palomar
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12 minutes ago, Palomar said:

I've a copy in front of me, white cover, mauve lettering, b&w illustration of a hooded figure chasing someone past the Cholera Monument.


Yes the reasons why people believe is my main angle, and it inspires strange adventures and the basis for most holidays, the Orkneys were great this summer, I was down Avebury way the other week, you could say I'm a 'stoner'.

That's the one!


I'm not sure but I think that book was where I first read about Springheeled Jack, and his leaping over the rooftops of Norfolk Park and prowling the cholera grounds.  I lived a cough away at the time so it was a bit... perturbing.

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2 hours ago, Hecate said:

To venture in to this far more interesting topic: you might enjoy The Lovecraft Investigations podcast, especially the second series (The Whisperer in Darkness), which centres around the Rendlesham Forest incident, linking in Suffolk folklore including Black Shuck, the demon hound that haunts the area.  Very strongly recommend starting with series 1 though, The Case of Charles Dexter Ward.  You'll not find anything better on your listening device of choice over the festive season.


And how brilliant a place name is Bunting Nook?

Rhianna Pratchett is doing a series on Radio 4 called Mythical Creatures. She covered black dogs yesterday (and mentioned Black Shuck).

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1 minute ago, Hecate said:

That's the one!


I'm not sure but I think that book was where I first read about Springheeled Jack, and his leaping over the rooftops of Norfolk Park and prowling the cholera grounds.  I lived a cough away at the time so it was a bit... perturbing.

Ooh, getting costly to buy, that could have been you on the cover, hair in the wind.


There is indeed a chapter on our local Spring Heeled Jack, the 'Park Ghost', who caused a flap about 1873, it was described as skimming over the ground with supernatural swiftness smelling of brimstone and making huge bounds into the air, it appeared at all times of night, mostly to courting couples! Soon thousands of people travelled from all over to try and catch a glimpse. Just like the UFO hunters of today. 

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32 minutes ago, altus said:

Rhianna Pratchett is doing a series on Radio 4 called Mythical Creatures. She covered black dogs yesterday (and mentioned Black Shuck).

Oh, excellent!  Thanks for the link.  I'll make a start on listening to that right now while I'm (still) waiting for my parcel to turn up.


18 minutes ago, Palomar said:

Ooh, getting costly to buy, that could have been you on the cover, hair in the wind.


There is indeed a chapter on our local Spring Heeled Jack, the 'Park Ghost', who caused a flap about 1873, it was described as skimming over the ground with supernatural swiftness smelling of brimstone and making huge bounds into the air, it appeared at all times of night, mostly to courting couples! Soon thousands of people travelled from all over to try and catch a glimpse. Just like the UFO hunters of today. 

Of course the cholera grounds is by its nature a rather forbidding place, but as a kid I always thought it was more than expectedly eerie, likely coloured by the impression made by that tale. 


I'm now remembering weekends spent reading about spontaneous human combustion and the devil's footprints in The Unexplained magazine, and scaring myself silly in a grim Bridlington guest house reading a book of 'true life' ghost tales that I was entirely too young to have bought with my holiday spending money.

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